chapter 3

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     During the the debate competition, sagir had resolved that immidietely after the competition, he would talk to nafisa but when the trophy was later handed over to him as the cheif speaker of his team, he was carried away with the excitement his team sang and jubilation around the women development center, Abuja, which was venue of the competition.u When later sagir remembered to have a word with the third speaker of the kaduna team, it was too late,the kaduna team had already left the venue and he sudden became said.
     After returning to Minna, he concluded within himself that he would write her a letter. Yes! He would write her. but wat to say? He asked himself. " Well, I will tell her all I intended to tell her at the center. " Her name was nafisa  and from government girl's secondary school, kaduna. What else do I need about her address? He asked himself. nothing! He thought of discussing it with aminu but later discarded the idea. I know he would say I was not serious. He would even say it is infatuation. But another thing, "what if the girl rejects me shame! Disgrace! Kai, god forbid. That is why I needed to keep the issue sealed in my heart?" He soliloquized. If the response is favourable, then I will pronouncement to the bt if it's otherwise, Kai Allah ya sawake.

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