chapter 10

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Sagir and awwal stormed minna railway station at about 13:15 hrs, both were dressed in school uniform. The school had closed for second term holiday, few hours ago. Awwal was a colleague of sagir in the school. Both of them were in their final year though in different classes. What brought the two together was their peculiarities. Both of them were senior students and at the same time school prefects. Awwal bello was the school head student while sagir ahmadu was a house captain. Awwal's parents lived in kaduna, they exchanged visits. Today, they decided to travel to kaduna by rail. They felt that lot of pleasure and fun could be derived travelling by train. Lagos to maiduguri express was due to leave by 13:45hrs. The train arrived at the station as they were entering the railway station. They rushed to the booking office but met a very long queue.
Sagir went and joined the queue but this idea did not go down well with awwal. According to him, this might be time wasting and they might not get the ticket before the train will leave the station. Also, there were people who were shunting the line and collecting their tickets. The soldiers and the police in their uniform were taking advantage to flout the rules. So awwal concluded that, if it was the question of patriotism, these military guys are supposed to show a good example. But uniform was uniform; they too were in uniform, so why would he not use his own to achieve what he wanted? He then made his way to the booking window luckily for him, he was artended to and was offered two tickets. He gave one to sagir who was still maintaining his position on the queue. Sagir was suprised and asked how he managed to make it.
Of course, the nigerian way. Please leave the queue and lets go find a seat said awwal
Well I don't blame you. It's said that the consciousness of a man is that of the society he belongs to, said sagir as he was leaving the queue.
You're right, agreed awwal. Maybe we will be able to effect a positive change in the system if it comes to our turn.
But am afraid, I don't think you're demonstrating that by example. Said sagir jokingly
How can I? We're students and as such we can't effect any change now. After all as students we're supposed to be considered first.
I believe that was why you were even accorded attention, remarked sagir
And the soldiers and the police were also attended to  because they were in uniforms and wouldn't want them to create a scene. Responded awwal. They burst into laughter as they stepped onto the train. The available seat was facing the one where two female students had already occupied. They greeted them and settled down on the opposite seat. Later, the train started blaring horns, signifying its readiness to move.

Am back!!
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