05 | The Morning After The Morning After

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"I just wanna see you

For a minute or two

To get rid of my blues

Mornings don't feel the same

Ever since you left my place

So let me see you...


- Mornings (See You Again)


[ U N E D I T E D ]

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[ U N E D I T E D ]

Zea was getting ready for her uncle's appointment, her ragamuffin sprawled across her dresser as she attempted not to disrupt her cat's sleep.

It's been a little over 48 hours since she sneaked out of Lucas' hotel room in the dead hours of the morning as he slept peacefully. She was forced to wear her gown from the night before, minus her missing thong, and call an Uber.

Luckily for her, the Uber driver didn't utter a word. Though, she did notice the driver giving her a questioning look through the rearview mirror. She couldn't blame him, though. It was two in the morning, and she was dressed in a formal gown, leaving a nice prestigious hotel. It didn't help that her make-up was gone. She was thankful that her hair was easy to manage, having need only to brush it out with her fingers to make it look decent.

Zea wasn't one to give in to her lust and sleep around. She was impulsive, yes. But one night stands were never in the cards for her. In fact, she found it difficult to find any man attractive, her standards were deemed too high by her friends. But once she does get attracted, her attention will be hopelessly devoted.

And with Lucas, its was just that, the spark between them was electrifying, and he was undeniably gorgeous. Her friends would be delighted to hear she finally got laid. It may only be a hook-up but after a long time of not being satisfied, it was a welcomed change.

She only got a few hours of sleep before having to wake up and head to work. And even then it wasn't easy. Her muscles were aching, and her mind was consumed with the thought of Lucas. How his hands had roamed every crevice of her body, how his lips had kissed her, how his tongue had tasted her and how his-

Her cat's meow tore her away from her thoughts.  Zea sighed, shaking her head. There she goes again, even after two days she couldn't get him out her mind. Zea slowly petted her cat along its spine as it stretched and arched.

"Good morning, Nebula," she cooed.

'Nebula' gave a slow blink with her deep blue eyes before leaping off the dresser in a graceful fashion.  

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