Chap 20: Averys insane laugh

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ITS THE BLOOD MOON ON  FIRDAY THE 13th!!!! Also I may have publish this a bit late but whatever.

4th Wall's POV

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA AAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA MWAHAHAHAAHHHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! Screamed Avery as he laughed as he watched the villains from a camera hidden in the Fake Izuku's hair. He was currently at Bakugo's apartment. They all had actually bought houses for themselves. The one they had lived before was a group bought. Well Izuku was in the room with a bag of popcorn and he was watching "Spirited Away" with Bakugo. He looked back too see Avery on the floor dying. Izuku looked back to the screen not fully comprehending what is happening. He whipped back and turned Bakugo's head a certain way so he was looking at Avery. They quickly grabbed Avery up and gave him a glass of water.

Avery quickly drank the water and went back to his computer he was working on. He closed it and went to get his pajamas. He then went out and asked the others what they wanted to watch. He personally wanted to watch YAOI but it's their choice.
(I know WTF is wrong with me and yaoi) they agreed on watching a random world from Avery's portal. He opened a random portal and it was the world of Hetalia(I'm still watching it don't spoil pls). They watched the countries bicker and laugh for a whole hour before Avery got up and left. He went into his room and came out with a suitcase. He then did the same to the others. He smiled and said "We're gonna be interning soon so we need this."

Izuku nodded and went to his room to sleep. Bakugo did the same along with Avery.

Time skip brought to you by a Fae pairing mating.(as in marrying not smut you dickheads)4th Wall's POV

Avery woke up first and then went to wake up the others. He showed no mercy doing it. When Bakugo objected he slapped him in the face before making ice in his palm and adding water to it in a bubble form. He then slapped it ok Bakugo's face.

Avery ran into Izuku's room before Bakugo can get his pistols and shoot him. For Izuku Avery put on rock music and a soundtrack of a doll saying "Come play with me!". Izuku woke up immediately.

Avery then went and got ready for school. Once he was ready he went to make food for his brothers. All of a sudden Izuku came down running and yelling "MOOOOOMM!!! MY HAIR IS STUCK THIS BRUSH!!!!!!!" Avery looked at Izuku and started CACKLING. "AHAAHHAHAHAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH FROM BOW ON IM MOM!!!!" Izuku blushed after realizing what he had said. Av eyes walked over to Izuku and made him sit down in a chair and started to work on Izuku's hair. After he was done he went and out on a pink apron and started making katsudon.

Izuku ran back up to pull on his clothes. Then at the exact same moment Bakugo ran down with a angry face and screamed "MOM YOUR NOT GOING TO GET ME TO WEAR A TIE SO DONT EVEN THING ABOUT IT!!" He immediately blushed and was about to run back up of Avery hadn't winnowed to infront of him. She grabbed him and forced a tie on him even as he protested. Avery then set out plates and put the food out. Then he went upstairs himself and got him stuff along with his brothers stuff for school. Their dad was gonna at school by now so Avery didn't worry.

Avery then winnowed them all to school. He then walked them all to school by the necks even if Izuku was crying and Bakugo was wailing. He yelled "I AM NOT LETTING YOU WASTE AWAY JUST BECAUSE THE ONE PERSON YOU ACTUALLY GET ALONG WITH IS NOW GONE BAKUGO AND IZUKU! IZUKU GET YOUR FACTS TOGETHER RIGHT NOW OR I WILL GROUND YOU FOR 1 MONTH!!"

"FINE MOM!!" Yelled both of them. They got up on their own feet's and walked behind Avery. Sulking. The people who saw this was gawking and whispering. Then the bell to start school rang. Avery thinking it was the late bell shrieked in the highest voice "WE'RE LATE!!!! CHILDREN GET RUNNING NOW!!! IF WE ARE LATE IM AM GONNA GROUND BOTH OF YOU FOR 2 MONTHS FOR MAKING US LATE!!!" He then started sprinting and Bakugo and Izuku hearing this started running too for the fear that they will be grounded.

The ran through the door and sat down at their seats as quick as possible. The Aizawa walked through the door and started class. Izuku was about to fall asleep and Avery being on full mom mode, pulled on Izuku's ear until he started yelling "IM AWAKE IM AWAKE IM SORRRRYYYY!!!!" Avery let go and say back down only too see Bakugo nodding off too. He then started pulled on Bakugo's ear until he was up and awake.

Aizawa stared at Avery with new respect. Then went on with teaching. Then at the end of class Avery was about to go to his next class hit then saw Izuku sleeping and Bakugo yelling at the classmates. He marched over to both of them and pulled their ears so hard they fell on the floor and was yelling. Avery looked at them with no mercy. He then dragged Izuku by the collar and Bakugo by the leg to Hero Combat.

In their All Might took one look at what Avery was doing and he pales to the shade of paper.
They had to spar with class 1-B and whoever wins gets a price of candy. Izuku and Bakugo were posing quite badly because they were STILL SAD. Avery being really mad and having trained soldiers before, yelled instructions at the two. The two won barely. Avery went on the battle and saw he was up against Neito. Neito was concerned for Avery and liked him. But Avery never acted like this ever. Yes he acted like a mom sometimes but he was really like a mom now.

Neito ran at Avery and tried the new karate moves he had learned a couple days ago. Avery blocked everyone of them like he was actually training Neito. Then Avery decided to end the match and faked a left and ran to the fight then hit a pressure point on the neck of Neito's neck. It had knocked him out. Avery then went out too the spectating room and pulled out his sleeping bag and went in their and slept soundly. Though they could hear Avery laughing in his sleep. It wasn't a nice laugh. It was the most terrifying laugh they all had ever heard. Both classes were scared for their lives.

Word count:1137

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