holy shit it's coming

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A few months after that traumatic event, Bakugou is watching TV while Herobrine aggresivley strikes his beef.  Katsuki's stomach is like a fucking bowling ball but like 90x larger. Just then, The pregnant 15 year old feels something trickle down his legs.  He freaks out and stands, he looks down and sees what seems to be water running down from his pee-pee.

"HEROBRINE!", the blond yells, mixed with excitment and anxiety, "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!"

Herobrine removes his hand from his pee-pee, "Holy shit?? Really?? WHY NOW?!", He is amgry. "WHAT?! I CAN"T FUCKING CONTROL IT. AUGH GOD LABOR. HEROBRINE!!!!!", Bakugou screamed as Herobrine picked him up and flew to the nearest hospital.  Nurses run to them, and take the blond to a room, banning Herobrine to follow because he has his fucking weiner out. Bakugou's yells and screams rattle the entire building.  Herobrine puts his ear up on the door, and hears a relieving gasp, A kid just came out of Bakugou. But w h e r e???? 

After 2 hours of fucking screaming, everyone has killed themselves in the lobby room, Herobrine is allowed into the room. He walks in, and sees a smiling Bakugou, with 13 god damn Children. "WHat the fUck.", Herobrine sputters, as he looks at their kids, fucking 13. Fucking T H I R T E E N. Katsuki looks up at Herobrine, "My asshole fucking HURTS.", he said. The new-founded father picks up one of his children, and pets it like an animal. He stares into the baby's big stupid eyeballs, and cradles it. "I've never been a father before, Katsuki. I don't know how to take care of these monsters."

Bakugou sighs in aggrivation, "Yeah, neither have I. I'm fucking 15, babe.", he glares at Herobrine then looks down at his other kid, watching it suck the fuck out of Bakugou's nippies. He feels exhausted, but happy. And grateful, that Herobrine hasn't left him alone with them. 

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