Chapter 2 - A Shocking Discovery

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You couldn't believe what you were actually seeing.

You carefully ran down the other side of the rock and made your way over to where he laid. You approached his body cautiously. Well, it looked real. You got down next to him to get a better look.

You couldn't see his eyes yet, but he had dark, wet hair that stuck to his face, and his facial features were small and young yet sharp. His tail was a dark blue with flecks of purple, that lead up to his defined ab muscles.

Examining his body more, you noticed there was a huge gash on his side. You looked back up at his face. He is unconscious, right?

Well, potentially dangerous or not, he needed help.

You dug through your bag for your first aid kit. You opened it up to see what you could use. If he is a mermaid, you really couldn't wrap it up somehow since it would just get wet and come off.

The only option you really had was either stitches or staples, since they're less likely to come off as easily. You decided staples since they would hold up better than stitches.

Very carefully, you touched his side. Damn, this would be a lot easier if he wasn't cute. You blushed at your own thought as you tentatively rolled him over a little to get a better look at his side.

You grabbed some alcohol pads and began to gently clean off the blood. The shape of the cut began to become more defined, and looked as if he got cut on a sharp rock.

Luckily, the cut wasn't deep, but it looked like it really hurt. You grabbed the medical stapler and slowly began to seal the cut.

Hopefully, it'll hold. Or at least until he regains consciousness and can get better treatment.

You put your supplies back into the kit and put it back into your bag. Now you needed to decide what you were going to do with him.

He is a mermaid so maybe try to get him back into the water so he can breathe normally?

Welp, it's better than nothing.

Setting your bag aside, you walked behind his head and lifted him up. Carefully you put your arms under his and wrap them around his chest. God, I hope he doesn't wake up yet.

Slowly, you drag him to a small opening in the rock wall near the ocean. You push his body into the water as much as you can without getting super wet.

His body floats, rocking slowly as the waves crash against the rocks. Unsure of what else to do, you hesitantly push his body under the water as much as you can so his head is submerged.

Not a minute later, he takes a deep breath, startling you. You take your hands off his body as a big wave crashes and takes his body farther out to sea. You hide behind the rock wall and watch through the opening.

You see his body break the surface as he comes back up, flipping his wet hair. He seems startled by the sudden awakening, like he had just woken up from some horrible nightmare.

He looked down at his side the see the staples. He poked one cautiously and winced at the sudden pain. He turned his head up to look around.

You hide behind the rock. I can't let him see me, what if he hurts me or something? You decided to try and listen for him to go back under again. Everything was silent for a few minutes.

You sighed and let out a deep breath. Maybe he went out farther so you didn't hear him go under.

"Boo!" You heard from right next to you.

Plenty of Fish in the Sea | BTS x Reader Mermaid AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now