Yoongi's Ending

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Btw all of their endings are the same so it's gonna get repetitive, also if a name is messed up feel free to point it out!

(F/C) = Favorite Color

A familiar mint colored tail, belonging to Yoongi. He looked at you with concern and fear in his eyes.


"(Y/N)! Thank God, you're ok! Come on we need to get you out of here!" He spoke quickly. You opened the cell door, your suspicion correct of it not being locked. You crouch down next to him and he wraps his arms around you. The water in the room is filling up quickly.

You look up the stairs quickly, to see Yunho staring back at you before running off.

"Shit." You mutter to yourself. Yoongi looks at you. "What?"

"He's going to get the others."

"Don't worry, Namjoon is helping to get the water in here. Look"

You hadn't even noticed how high the water really was until now. You had to stand up before the water went over your head, Yoongi floating up with you. Before you knew it the water was almost level to where the porthole was.

"Come on." Yoongi swam over the porthole, pulling you with him. He swam through and pulled you along out of the ship. You finally swam out into open water with Yoongi wrapping his arms around you. He swam backwards with you, away from the ship. You looked around to see the other mermaids around you as well.

As a group, you all swam the opposite direction of where the ship was heading. You all got quite a ways away before you stopped, Yoongi's arms still around you.

"Are you hurt at all?" Jungkook asked with concern. It was only then you realized the burning coming from your arm where Hongjoong had cut you. You lifted it up to show him.

"Only this."

He swam over you and took hold of your arm. The blue light you were now familiar with appeared. He held your arm underwater before bringing it back up and removing the bandage. As expected, the cut was completely healed.

"Come on, we should get you back to the beach house," Namjoon spoke up. There was a brief wave of agreement before Yoongi adjusted you in his arms so you were facing him, and followed the others. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in the crook of his neck, trying to relax from all that's happened.

After what seemed like forever, you arrived back at the beach house. By that time, it must have been at least the beginning of the afternoon. You stood up in the shallow water, looking out at the other boys and smiled.

"Thank you, all of you."

The opening of the screen door startled you, as Jackson walked out. He looked at you and the boys. "There you are, you didn't answer so I was worried something happened."

"Yeah, Ateez kidnapped me last night, but they saved me." You said, smiling at the boys once again.

He was taken back at how casually you said that. "Oh, are you ok?"

"Yeah thanks to them."

"Yeah, might not have been the best idea to put you right next to the water where they could possibly see you from a distance. Maybe it's time to come back to your dorm."

"Wait, what?" You said disappointedly. You did kind of want to go back, but you still didn't want to leave the boys, especially Yoongi. You turned back to Yoongi to look at him. He swam up and took hold of your hand, squeezing it tightly.

"(Y/N), do you really want to stay with them?" Jackson asked, concerned.

"Well, I can't just leave them." You took one quick glance at Yoongi before muttering.

"I don't think I want to leave them again. I don't want to go back. Don't get me wrong, I love your class and I love learning about sea creatures and such, but being with them is a feeling I can't just ignore." You kneed down next to Yoongi and looked him in the eyes. He moved closer to you and put his hands on your waist. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

You glanced back at Jackson. "If that's what you want and you're sure, then go ahead." You smiled at him then looked back at Yoongi. You nodded to him and he seemed to smile with relief. He pulled you closer before putting his lips on yours, leaning you back into the water.

You felt your legs go numb, as if they disappeared. A (F/C) appeared from your waist down, and soon you were met with a (F/C) mermaid tail. You couldn't stop admiring how the sun reflected off of it.

You looked at Yoongi with love written all over your face. He smiled at you. You threw your arms around him and pulled him into a genuine kiss. He kissed back and held you closer to him. And all you think about is how you never wanted this to end, just being held in his arms forever.

Thanks you for sticking with my fanfic for this long, if you would like more of my work I am working on a Pirate!ATEEZ x Reader fanfic if you'd like the read that.

💜💜💜Thank you💜💜💜

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