Big reveals

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Omerra's POV
Waking up I notice two things: one I'm out of my little space and also I am in Rose's bed and she is cuddled into my back and something is poking me. I slowly turn towards her to prevent waking her up and find her with a hard on and instantly I am confused. I jump back and that causes her to wake up.
"Wuh goin on?" She questioned.
"What is that?" I asked pointing to her crotch.
"Ya out of ya lil space?" She asked smiling.
"Just answer the question." I demand.
"Its mi dick." She simply said.
"How?" I stood up away from her and she sat up rubbing her hand over her face and let's out a deep sigh.
"Come 'ere and let mi explain." As she was saying this Bianca walks in the room.
"What's going on now?" Bianca asks looking at the expressions on both of our faces.
"She's out of ha lil space and it's time ta tell 'er bout our extra parts." Rose states.
"You too?" I ask.
"Sit down Omerra." Bianca requests but I shake my head.
"I don't want to sit just talk to me."
"Damn it sit da fuck down!" Rose demands and I rush to do what she says.
"Now, yes Bianca and mi 'ave dicks we were born dis way." Rose begins to explain.
"So your what, trans?" I ask.
"No we are intersex." Bianca immediately says.
"I never heard of that."
"When we were born they thought we were boys because of our genitals and reproductive organs but as we got older they noticed we began to show female characteristics like our voices, our boobs, our whole body structures in general." Bianca further explained.
"So you can get people pregnant?"
"Yes. Bianca actually 'as a nine year old lil gul."
"Oh okay." There was a long pause where no one said anything but then randomly I had a thought. "Can I see them?" They look at each other for a moment then back at me. "I'm sorry that was a dumb question. You don't have to show me." I got up ready to go back to my own cell when Rose grabs my arm.
"Relax behbey. We don't 'ave a problem showing ya."
"We just need to know you are okay with this information first." I look at them both then look down.
"Can I have a moment to take this all in?" I request. They look at each other then they nod in agreement and allow me to walk out.
I leave out the room processing all that they have told me and even though I am still somewhat confused I don't have a problem with what they told me. Things actually started to make since like why they need special showers and why they alternate me on each other's laps so much and why they usually make sure to wake up before me. I reach my cell and lay down on Bianca's bunk and close my eyes now imagining what they look like. Are they really small or really big? From what I have felt before they are definitely not small. Are they shaped weird? That thought made me chuckle a little to myself. Yeah I don't have a problem with what's in between their legs. I even think I am falling in love with them.
They have been so caring and understanding to me when it comes to this whole pregnancy thing. I think them being here for me about this and the stuff with my mommy is what really has made me know that I love them.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear that someone had come in with me and the cell door closed until I feel someone touch my leg.
"I finally got you alone." Rema says crawling on top of me.
"Back off." I demand while attempting to push her away.
"Naw we finishing this lil mama and no one is stopping us. I still can't believe you don't remember me." She says pinning my arms with one hand above my head.
"I don't know you let me go." I struggle but she doesn't move and now I'm starting to freak and I can feel myself slipping away again which is not good. I need my daddies now.
"Ofcourse you do Omerra. Remember about a year ago we were at one of your boys performances and you were seating in the back all alone crying and I came in to keep you company?" I thought back to what she was talking about then looked back at her and instantly I remembered.
"You tried to take me away dat nite."
"No I didn't! I paid for you and then that nigga didn't keep his word and he kept my money."
"That's right your man sold you to me just like he was selling pictures of you and whatever else he could get you to do while he had you drugged up."
"No Uour lying!"
"No I'm not. I still have my picture of you in that little pink and purple panty and bra set licking that lollipop." She says while running her fingers down my body.
"Me no took picture like dat."
"You don't remember because you were high."
"Your a liar and your sick GET OFF ME!" I began to pull harder in my wrist to get them out of her grasps then suddenly she slams her whole body weight on me demanding I calm down. I freak out even more because in that moment my only concern was my baby and with that in mind I scream at the top of my lungs. She muffled my screams by kissing me and I want to vomit because her breath is horrible. She then rips a hole in the crotch of my jumper and tears my panties. I try to scream more while kicking my legs but she jams one of her legs between my thighs preventing me from closing them.
"You are mine! You have always been mine and now it's time to show you." She has this very dark look in her eyes and it's seems my tears and pleads are going unheard to her. With no warning or prep she inserts her middle and ring fingers inside me and I cry out because of the pain.
"Damn your so tight baby." She whispers in my ears before nipping it. She begins to pump using her hips as leverage and it feels like my insides are on fire. It hurts so bad and I don't think I can handle this anymore. She leans down and starts sucking and biting my neck down my chest and then lifts her hand that was hold mine to lift of one of my boob to but the nipple in her mouth. I took that opportunity to dig both my thumbs into her eyes and she screams and gets off. As if on cue daddy and papi rush in. Rose pulls her away and begins stabbing her repeatedly while daddy came to me and held me close and I cried into her chest.
"Daddy I hurt so bad."
"Oh my god Rose!"

Rose's POV
Watching Omerra walk out the door afta our discussion I just knew dis was it fa us. I could see it in da way dat she looked at us dat she was not going ta stay with us.
"I t'ink you made a mistake wit dat one." I told Bianca while lighting a blunt.
"Naw she just needs a little time. She's the one."
"Did ya not see 'ow she looked at us? She ain't gonna stay." I yelled. 'ow could she not see.
"Rose your tripping just give her like ten minutes and she will be back I'm telling you. Plus we have a bigger issue to discuss."
"Wake up Bianca! She not coming back."
"Well then I will see her when I go back in our cell. Stop being so negative all the damn time. Now listen we have a problem! They are letting us out. We have less than a month to figure this all out."
As I was about to speak again Lauren rushes in.
"Rema is in there with Merra again and its bad!" She yells. I look at Bianca and she is already rushing to our spot and I turn and 'ead out da door. I suddenly 'ear a spine chilling scream dat I recognize as Omerra and I start ta run fasta down ta her cell. I try ta open da door but it's locked so I run ta one of da guards dat is on mi payroll and take 'er up ta da cell and make 'er open it and rush in as Omerra has gotten free enough ta dig her thumbs in Rema's eyes. I pull 'er off as she screams and drag ha ta da corner and begin stabbing 'er repeatedly with one of da knives Bianca pulled out.
"Mi told ya ass ta stay away did mi not!" I yell. She attempts ta grab mi 'and but I keep going.
"Oh my god Rose!" I hear Bianca screams causing mi ta stop and look at dem. She is 'olding a crying Omerra who now 'as blood covering 'er whole front of 'er jumper. I move away from Rema's now dead body and attempt to help.
"No you need to change! Grab one of my shirts so they won't see that you have so much blood on you and start asking questions. Lauren go tell Dee and Lani to come clean this up. Max help them." Bianca barked orders and everyone did wuh she said den we rush Omerra down ta medic. As we got close we saw Dr. Kendrick walking out and when she saw us she freaks out.
"What happened?"
"We found her like this." Bianca says quickly. Da doctor leads us in and afta we lay Omerra down dey make us get out.
"No wait we need ta be in 'ere!" I yell.
"Please I just need to assess everything and I need space. Wait out here and I will come get you." She says. Mi wan ta protest but she cuts mi off. "If you don't want her to die you will sit down and let me do my job." She says firmly and mi don't argue instead Bianca and mi sit down and Dr Kendrick walks back through the door to go work on Omerra.
"What the fuck man!" Bianca yells throwing a chair.
We wait der fa nearly five 'ours then Kendrick comes back out wit dis blank look on 'er face.
"Wassup." Mi ask standing up.
"Well she was raped pretty badly. There was some tearing in her vaginal walls and her cervix was slightly opened."
"How's the baby?" Bianca asked.
"With the damage done it looks like an unfortunate miscarriage has occurred. She has lost a lot of blood so we put in the request to get her transported to a hospital for a blood transfusion as well as a D/C."
Mi walk over ta Bianca and simply fall apart in 'er arms. Dis da first time mi 'ave cried in 10 years. Ta t'ink mi was ready ta let mi behbey go and now mi no see life wit out 'er in it.
Bianca's POV
Hearing those words that Omerra has loss the baby and seeing Rose break down like this is crushing me. If Rose didn't kill that bitch I was for sure going to do it myself. My baby has been through enough and this is just too much. I sit there holding Rose as she cries and think on how I could possibly fix this and come up with nothing. This has been a fucked up day. I promised Omerra I would protect her and I have failed again but this time it was worse because now she is hurt and has lost the life that was growing inside of her.
I hear the door open and when I look up I see Max walk in. She gives a slight nod letting me know everything is handled and I nod back then right behind her I see Lauren and Lani and when they see us Lauren breaks down immediately in Lani's arms. No words needed to be said for them to know what happened.
We wait there until the medics come to transport Omerra to the hospital then Rose and I head to Curt's office where he lets us know we will be out in a week then we head to our cells. No one speaks for the rest of the day and as soon as I am alone my emotions take over and I lay there and cry.

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