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Bianca's POV
The weeks leading up to this might have been nerve wrecking to say the least. It has been so long since Rose and I actually performed in front of anyone and with Omerra being the focus we just had to make sure everything was perfect. Don't know why or how but Carol talked me into this damn dress but here I am with this damn thing in and I hate it but anything for my princess.
After our performances Omerra pulls us outside. The way she was staring at us while we performed gave us hope that this just might have worked. At least that was what I am hoping.
"What are y'all doing?" She asked once she got us outside.
"What does it look like?" I ask her.
"You think that you can treat me like cramp and then come here and sing a song that everything will be forgotten and I will run into your arms and we will live happily ever after?" She questioned folding her arms and stepping back from us.
"Look behbey mi sorry fa 'ow mi reacted dat night and not a dey goes by dat mi don't regret it. Mi let mi emotions tek ova and," Rose tries to explain before being cut off my Omerra.
"Stop! You said what you really felt. You broke my heart and you disregarded my feelings completely. I had just went through an very traumatic experience and instead of comforting me you yelled and blamed me for something I didn't even have control over. I didn't ask for my father to be like that nor did I ask for Rakiem to be the way his was to the point that I actually went to jail. I didn't ask for Rema to be obsessed and rape me and I didn't take myself to that warehouse. But none of that mattered to you that night Rose." Omerra says with tears falling. "To add on to all I needed you and you pushed me away."
"Mi sorry behbey. Ya got ta see dat. Mi and B 'ave ben tru so much shit and fa so long it was jus us. Da idea of B bein gone broke mi. Mi said stuff mi didn't mean. Mi dont know wuh caused dat explosion but wen mi saw dat B was not coming ya us mi was sad. Ya know in da past 10 years mi 'ave only cried twice? Once was dat night and da otha time was afta Rema 'urt ya." Rose explains. "Dis feelin shit is new fa mi and mi will mess up a lot behbey but ya got ta know mi love ya."
"I don't know what to think anymore Rose." Omerra says looking down. I reach out placing my index under her chin tilting her head back up so that she is looking at us again.
"Princess we are in love with you and we need you to come home. I know it will take some time to build that trust back up with us but we are willing to try if you are." I say stepping closer to her.
"I don't know." She replies stepping back.
"Please behbey. Just give it a try fa us." Rose begs.
It looks like Omerra is in deep thought for what seems like forever and my nerves start to get the best of me. So I do the only thing I can think of. I get down on one knee and grab her hand.
"Marry us Omerra." I say causing her mouth to fall open.

Well that took a turn fast!
What do you think?
Should Omerra forgive them?
What do you think of Rose's apology?
Bianca just proposed!!!!
Will Omerra say yes?

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