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"Oh my god, we're roommates!?" Jackson squealed in his annoyingly exaggerated tone.

Mark turned around from his bed, watching the younger shuffle in with bags full of his things. He prayed that this interaction between them wouldn't last long. "Hi Jackson..."

Jackson dropped his belongings onto his own bed that was pushed against the wall adjacent to Mark's, smirking as his gaze settled on the elder who so desperately tried to ignore him. "Hi, pretty boy."

"Shut up Jackson." Mark grumbled while turning back to unpacking his own belongings. He didn't have a lot of patience when it came to that particular schoolmate.

Jackson's grin widened as if Mark's low tolerance for him fueled his desire to keep going. "Dude, this is like, a dream. Like one of those fan fictions you write, me being your roommate."

"I don't write fan fictions." Mark mumbled before turning his back to the younger.

"Bullshit, you remember what I saw on your laptop last year." Jackson crept up behind Mark, leaning in close to his ear, a satisfied giggle escaping him as he felt Mark jolt in his hands when he slid them along the elder's waist. "I'm quite flattered you're that much of a fan of me."

Mark's elbow instinctively jerked back into Jackson's stomach, the younger stumbling backwards. The last thing he needed to be reminded of was the short love story he had used Jackson's name in that the younger took as a worship to him. He only happened to use Jackson's name since it was so common in the first place, and he un-admittedly took inspiration from Jackson's personality when writing the character. But of course, Jackson had to take it as more than that and rubbed it in his face whenever the other male could. "Fuck off, I told you it was for a project."

"Hm, sure it was." Jackson sarcastically replied. He refused to let Mark's attitude dampen his own, which was why he ended up leaning on Mark's bed despite the elder's earlier elbow attack. "So, now that we're roommates, when will the whole slowly falling in love thing begin? Now?"

"No, not now, not ever." Mark huffed.

"Mark you already love~ me." Jackson cooed, reaching out to pinch Mark's cheeks.

The move was easily recognizable, resulting in Mark slapping his hand away. "No I don't, fuck off."

"Alright well, let's get rid of one of the beds so we can make this even more cliche." Jackson jumped off of his bed and skipped over to his own, tugging it hard to shift it away from the wall. "Not just sharing a room, but sharing a bed too!? How will our two main characters fare their first night together!?"

Mark stomped over and pushed Jackson's bed back in place, shooting a glare at him before returning to his belongings that had yet been properly unpacked. "Just fine, separated on their own beds and not going within 5 feet of one another."

Jackson chewed on his bottom lip, a grin slowly spreading across his face as he grabbed Mark's arm, a simple tug ending up with the elder against the wall, the younger trapping him there. "Or, cuddled up after an active night of kissing, biting, scratching, moaning-"

"God do you ever shut up? Leave me alone. Fucking perv." Mark sneered, shoving Jackson away so he could focus on settling into their new dorm. He crouched down to find his laptop and headphones hidden somewhere in his black duffel bag so he could drown out Jackson's annoyingness.

"Mark you know I've had my eyes on you for a while, and the fact that you keep leading me on is absolute bullshit." Jackson complained, standing behind the elder with arms folded over his chest. "How about we fuck and see how you feel afterwards?"

"How about you fuck off." Mark repeated, refusing to entertain Jackson's shenanigans.

The younger rolled his eyes at the familiar saying. "Third times a charm, huh?"

"Hopefully, yet you're still standing there so apparently not." Mark muttered.

"Cause I'm not a quitter. I won't just fuck off because you tell me to." Jackson retorted, sticking his tongue out at Mark who didn't even see it, but it felt effective enough anyway.

"That's harassment." Mark stated. His hand brushed over a cold surface, a feeling of relief washing over him as he pulled out his savior. He stood and turned to walk over to the desk on his side of the room, bypassing Jackson as if he were invisible. He set up his laptop on his desk, spinning around to go find his headphones only for Jackson to block his way.

"Then call the police on me." Jackson replied with a nonchalant grin.

"No." Mark stepped to the side to slide pass Jackson, only for the younger to step in the way again.

"Then deal with it." Jackson took a step forward, invading the thing Mark cherished most, his personal space. He had nowhere to go aside from stepping backwards, but the desk was in the way, it's hard wooden edge pressing into his lower back. Trapped again.

"Also no." Mark mumbled again, his eyes darting away from Jackson's that danced with amusement as they intently watched the elder fluster.

Jackson leaned in, one of his hands curling around Mark's waist to hold him still. "Then... kiss me."

Mark pushed at Jackson's chest, turning away to hide his face that felt like it was on fire. "Jackson I swear... you're being annoying as fuck, can I unpack my shit in peace?"

Jackson chuckled, seeming completely satisfied with the fact that despite Mark's constant effort to refuse his advances, he still easily got all red an flustered by it all. He backed away, finally giving Mark the space that he so desperately needed. "Fine. I'm gonna go out and make friends since we're in a new dorm. When I come back you better be my boyfriend, or else."

"When you come back I'm gonna be in my bed taking a long nap, ignoring you and the rest of the world." Mark adjusted his clothes, letting out a breath before walking over to dig through his bag for his headphones.

"And I'll kiss my boyfriend goodnight and wish him a good sleep~." Jackson replied.

"You mean your pillow? Since that's the closest thing to a boyfriend you'll ever have." Mark retorted.

Jackson sighed, shaking his head. "Well, at least my pillow allows me to hump it when I'm horny. I can't even touch you."

Mark spun around to face him, pointing a finger in his direction. "You better fucking not. Ever."

"I already have multiple times babe. Just not in the ways I want to touch you." Jackson stated, throwing in a wink just to watch Mark's ears glow a deeper red. "So, not even a hug?"

"Last time I hugged you, you squeezed my ass." Mark stated, throwing another glare Jackson's way.

Jackson outstretched his hands innocently. "What? It's just a playful guy thing, I didn't mean any harm by it!"

"I wasn't harmed but I'd rather you not do it again, thanks." Mark replied, finally finding his headphones so he could ignore Jackson for the rest of the day, and hopefully the school year. He already had to deal with him in and outside of class for the past two years, but now that they practically lived together, Mark knew it would be a struggle to survive in that small dorm room.

"Well Mark, I'll have you know you're free to squeeze my ass any day. Maybe I'll moan for you too." Jackson stated, deciding to leave the room on that statement with a wink.

"Disgusting asshole." Mark whispered to no one but himself, shaking his head and blocking out the world as he set his headphones on his head.

~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

(*decided to post since wattpad wanna make me cry ;-; lol so much sexual tension and only the first chapter hshswdhswshdgkjsh oops-*)

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