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Mark woke up way earlier than he needed to for his morning class, which gave him more time to laze about before he had to go endure 90 minutes of sitting beside Jinyoung.

He stretched, some of his bones cracking from not being moved all night, then he rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times to clear his hazy vision of sleep. 

Just a minute or so later, the sound of buzzing  filled the room. Mark planned on ignoring it, but just as the first buzz stopped, another followed right after. He let out a sigh, recognizing that the noise was coming from Jackson's side of the room, atop his desk where he charged his phone every night. 

Another buzz filled the room, the noise quickly becoming annoying, especially right after having just woken up. Mark sat up from his bed, his eyes easily finding the illuminated screen in the dawn-lit room.

His gaze then drifted over to Jackson for a few moments. The younger was peacefully resting, still deep in his slumber despite needing to wake up soon for his morning classes that he needed to attend. His flawless features were easy to get lost in, Mark found himself staring for longer than intended.

The phone lit up again, this time a different sound, maybe an app notification or something. Mark couldn't contain his curiosity of who or what may be blowing up his roommates phone this early in the morning, but he sure hoped they had a good reason for it.

Mark took another quick glance at Jackson to make sure he was still asleep before pushing his covers off of him and swinging his legs over the side of his bed. Him and Jackson were close enough to use one another's phones; one time Jackson ripped Mark's phone out of his hands to steal some pictures of notes that Mark refused to send him, so this wasn't much different. Maybe it was a bit more sneaky, and maybe it was a bit less tolerable than that, but at the end of the day Mark just wanted to see who was bothering his roommate so early, that was all.

He even knew Jackson's passcode, which was just his birth date, one of the worst passcodes to have. So Mark basically had free access to anything within the device.

He tiptoed across the room to Jackson's desk, quietly picking up the phone and reading the notifications displayed on screen. 3 messages and a Sudoku game notification.

Mark tapped the message notification faster than the speed of light once he read that they were from Jinyoung, wondering what he of all people had to be texting Jackson about. 

Jinyoung: Good morning!

Jinyoung: Not sure if you're awake yet but I wanted to wish you a good day anyway :D

Jinyoung: Oh, and Jackson!! Come meet me for lunch today! I wanna hang out, let's not study, just have fun! ^_^

Mark frowned at the messages that filled the screen. It annoyed him that Jinyoung didn't have the basic courtesy not to text someone so early in the morning. It was true that if Jackson were to do the same thing with Mark, he would have less of a problem with it; but that wasn't the case, so he didn't care. 

He also hated how the underclassman tried to be cute with his usage of emoticons. Just use emojis like everyone else does, it didn't make him look cute or cool, it felt more old and out of touch.

What he was mostly not happy about though, was the constant plans the two were making without even bothering to include him. Sure Mark has expressed to Jackson dozens of times how much he disliked Jinyoung, and Jinyoung himself had picked up on his disdain toward him as well; but it would have been courteous of both of them to at least invite him to tag along occasionally. And what the hell did he even mean by 'have fun'? Did he realize how suggestive that sounded?

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