43| Part of the Family

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Jon's family and my family haven't really got to hang out together yet. They met each other when Jon's parents visited me in the hospital but that was brief and it wasn't my whole family at that time. They were familiar with one another but we didn't really know each other. So now that Jon's family is down for a few games we decided to get everyone together since we're pretty sure this whole relationship thing is a lifetime commitment our families should hang out sooner rather than later. My family already loves Jon and Jon claims his parents love me so it shouldn't be too bad. Just as long as my family doesn't embarrass me too much.

So we invite everyone over to Jon's place before the fifth game of this series. They can move on to the next series after this game and I'm hoping they would. Playoffs are intense and while I don't doubt that they're the best team on the ice at any give time hockey is funny in the way it works... or doesn't work at times. It has ways of being cruel and I didn't want to be a victim of its cruelty any more. That's the one part of playing I don't miss.

Naturally my family is the first people over, almost before me even. But I get off work just in time and make it in for my family to get there. We get them drinks and eventually Jonathan's parents join us. They re introduce themselves and we felt right at home. Jon's dad takes off with my dad as his mom and my mom grab the kids and play with them. Lady stays by my side because she's protective over me. But I loved my girl so I let her think she's doing something. But she's a cocker spaniel. No ones afraid of her.

"So Ari, What are your plans for the summer" my mom asks as everyone comes together in the living room. We had some reservations at a nice restaurant later on since Jon and I were hosting and had only been learning how to cook meals for two people.

"I don't know. Jon what's on tap" I ask him and he smiles.

"You're asking me" he wonders.

"Yeah. It's our first summer together, what should we do" I wonder.

"I don't know" he shrugs. "Hopefully it's short and filled with Stanley cup duties. We can take a trip somewhere nice and get away for a little. I would like to take you to some of my favorite hiking places and of course Lady can come with us. We can do whatever we want" he assures me and I smile.

"I think a trip would be fun" I admit.

"Aren't those usually your boys trip" his mom questions and his face turns red. He gives her one of those "you're not supposed to say that in front of her" looks making me smile.

"Maybe" he admits making me chuckle. "But who needs the boys when I got the best girl in the world" he asks as he wraps his arm around my neck.

"Good answer" his mom winks and I smile at her.

We finish up congregating around the apartment and head to our favorite restaurant. I have my sister Raven in my lap and Jon on one side of me as he talked to her like she was his own sister. He plays the games on her place mat with her and helps her figure out the crossword puzzles. He's a genuinely great guy and I really hope he can see that now that we're all together because of him.

"You wanna know something great" I ask him.

"You" he replies way too quickly and I roll my eyes.

"No. It's this life you've created. Look around, there's a lot of people here who whole heartedly love you. Even through the mistakes and the bumpy roads they are still here for you. I hope you know that you are deeply and forever loved" I tell him.

"That's nice and all. But the only love I truly need is yours" he says as he rests his hand on my back. "I'm more than happy that my parents are in my life again and that our families are getting to be such good friends. I'm glad that our worlds are coming together to make one beautiful life.

But all I ever wanted was that one person who saw me for who I was. I wanted that one person I could talk to whenever I needed to and I know they would be listening. I needed to love someone who loves me and my mistakes. And I have you.

The rest of this stuff is great, but I don't need that. All I really need... is you" he says softly. I quickly pull him into a kiss earning a groan from my mom.

"Alright you too. You can wait until after the game when you're alone" she shuns and I giggle.

"I can't. That's why I kissed him" I tease.

"Uh huh" she scoffs and I smile at her.

We eat our dinner and all head to the game together. We get to our seats and I end up talking to Jon's dad. He was pretty cool and he had a lot of questions about when I played hockey in college. He loved the sport just as much as Jon did and he was so proud of him, as he should be.

"If you would have kept playing where would do you think you would have ended up" he wonders.

"Hard to say. Maybe if I kept working I could have been successful at a professional level. I could have signed with a few WNHL teams but I didn't want to. I love this sport and it was never about the money or the fame. It was about the love of the game and I couldn't lose that in negotiation talks and contracts.

But being here with you guys watching Jon play makes me feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be" I insist.

"Well I'm glad you feel that way. You've changed Jon's life and you changed ours too. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten my son back. And now I look out there and it's like we're back at home on the backyard rink. I feel like my little boy is growing up in front of me and I'm happy to be here for it" he claims.

"Life can get challenging sometimes. Nothing hurts more than the thought of losing someone you love. That's why it's important we overcome that fear and we reach out before it's too late. Before you lose sight of those who once touched you and you can't reach them anymore" I explain.

"I believe he doesn't reach out without you. I can't imagine my son being that wonderful little boy I watched grow up coming back to me. I thought that boy was lost somewhere never to be seen again. But he found us and he was only here because of you. So thank you, Ari. My family is forever grateful for you and your heart. Hopefully one day we will be lucky enough to have you a part of the family" he claims and I smile big.

"It would be a honor."

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