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September 24th 2015

Chicago Illinois

There's a lot of influence in this world. Whether it be athletes or activists or anything in between. And there's a lot of good quotes that you should live by. There's no real wrong answer when you're lost and you don't know where to turn to. It's easy to throw out those cliche one liners and try to move on.

But there's some things worlds can't fix quickly. Like broken bones and broken spirits and four years ago today I learned that the hard way. For there was nothing anyone could say to me that would prepare me for the life I was about to live. I became paralyzed and all I could do was talk and cry. I couldn't eat or sleep or play with my siblings. I was forced to lay in bed and think.

And think.

And think some more.

But in that time where all I had was my mind to listen to I remembered something. Back in high school I did a paper on Maya Angelo and there was this quote. All it say was "Still, I rise." It wasn't a tongue twister or a brain wracker. It wasn't even words at all. It was a challenge.

I rise.

So I decided the only place I could go from that low point in my life was up. All I had to do was rise up. And I did.

And now I'm here four years later happier than I have ever been. I had Jon by my side as we sit at the ice rink. He insisted on coming to help me teach hockey today and the kids would love it so I agreed to it. We drive over to Johnnies and he parks in the special lot for the athletes. We walk in the back but once we got in all the lights were off.

"Alright. You guys make millions of dollars a year, no way you can't pay the bills of the practice rink" I tease.

"It's not that" he assures me.

"Alright. Then what is it" I ask.

"A surprise" he says.

"Oh really" I smirk and he smiles back at me. Even in the dark I can see his smile.

"Yes. So take my hand and come with me" he instructs.

Naturally I have a million questions but he hates when I try to figure out the stuff he does for me before he has a chance to do it. I never get used to it but I think it's cute how much effort he puts in our relationship. So I let him drag me around until we get to what I assume is the ice. He stops me as we get in front of it and he tells me to stay there. He slips across the ice and tells someone to play the song. The music starts and I start to see what this is.

"You're broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry go round
And you can't find the fighter
But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out

And move mountains
We gonna walk it out
And move mountains

And I'll rise up
I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up
I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousand times again

And I'll rise up
High like the waves
I'll rise up
In spite of the ache
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousands times again

For you
For you
For you
For you."

The lights flash on and I let out a loud gasp. I see my friends and family out on the ice surrounded by rose pedals. They were holding up a sign made out of hockey pucks that said "marry me?" and I feel my heart try to jump out my chest. I cover my mouth as I see them all standing there staring at me. Jon was right next to the doorway on one knee with the ring in his hand. He smiles up to me as I try to keep it together. But a happy tear falls before I wipe it away.

"So..." he trails off.

"When the silence isn't quiet
And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe
And I know you feel like dying
But I promise we'll take the world to its feet

And move mountains
We'll take it to its feet
And move mountains

And I'll rise up
I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up
I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousand times again

For you
For you
For you
For you."

I move as fast as I can on the ice without falling until I get over to Jon. I knock him over and land on top of him as he starts to laugh. He keeps a hold of the ring as he makes sure I'm okay with his other hand.

I place my lips on his and I head people cheering. I smile as I come up for air and he just looks at me with the brightest eyes.

"Is that a yes" he teases.

"Yes Jon, I would love to marry you" I promise.

He slips off the promise ring and puts the new one on there. I smile as I lift my hand up to get a good look at this thing. It was a nice sized rock, but that didn't matter to me much. It was more about the guy who gave it to me. And it just so happens to be my most favorite person in the world.

"All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
And for that we have each other

We will rise
We will rise
We'll rise, oh oh
We'll rise

I'll rise up
Rise like the day
I'll rise up
In spite of the ache
I will rise a thousands times again

And we'll rise up
Rise like the waves
We'll rise up
In spite of the ache
We'll rise up
And we'll do it a thousands times again

For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you."

I eventually roll off of him and help him up. He pulls me into his arms and gives me a great big hug. I hug him back as I bury my face in his chest.

We've had a lot of up and downs in our relationship. And while we get knocked down we rise up every time. And I don't know a lot about the future. But I know that much won't change.

Because our greatest glory isn't in never falling.

But in rising every time we fall.

Rise Up (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now