T h r e e

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T h r e e

I wake up naturally at 7:27am, I get up and change into the clothes on the counter, Sara must have put them here. I put them on and I go to the bathroom and freshen up, No one is near, and silence fills the building. I get back to my room and sit and think about everything, a lot of time passes, I look back at the clock and its already 7:57, I get off my bed and head to the cafeteria, I dont see anyone as I walk to the cafeteria, but I open the doors and I see everyone, some of them look at me, but I dont look at them. I go and grab a tray and the lady gives me food, to much food. I see a table where no one is sitting and I go and sit down. Im eating this disguting food and minding my own buisness and I see Lydia walking over to me.

"Hey Athena, remember me, Im Lydia" She sets her tray down and sits in front of me, I look uup at her and smile at her.

"Yeah, I do"

"Ok good, I thought you needed someone to sit with so i came over here."

"Thank you so much, but you didnt have to" I continue eating and so does she. I hear the door open and I look up, I see a boy, about my age. He looks mesmerizing, His tall slim figure, yet strong, the way his face sits with no emotion is something different... I study his facial features, his eyes are so blue, a crisp ocean blue, and his nose curves a bit at the end, his lips look so plumb and pink, and his carved jaw, he looks mysterious, Im very intrigued. I didnt realize I was staring, but I was. His eyes flash to mine for a second then down to his feet, my face goes red and i look down at my tray.

"Athena youre drooling" Lydia giggles

"Uh-um" My face has a even darker tint of red

"Ooooo you like him" She giggles,

"Ha no I dont" I whisper back smiling

"Yes you doooo" We both laugh

"Can you tell me about him?" I ask nonchalantly'

"Ummm I dont know much about him, he keeps to himself and doesnt talk to us very much, I know hes been here since he was like 14, but no one knows whats wrong with him." Lydia starts playing with her food

"Oh" Is all I say, my mind racing about him.

"Ill talk to you later Lydia" Im done eating almost all my food gone, hopefully its good enough, I get up and walk to put my tray down. I set it down quickly and rush out of the cafeteria. I go straight back to my room and face plant onto my bed. Why was he here? And why so long? What did he do, or whats wrong with him? Hes such a mystery...i want to solve him.

I look at the clock and I have to go eat lunch, even though I dont want to do anything. I go to the cafeteria yet again and do the same thing, of course Lydia comes and sits by me again, but I dont mind.

"Why are you here" the first thing she asks me is the question I wanted to avoid

"I dont even know..." I almost whisper.

"I dont think youre crazy" Lydia says

"Me either" I whisper, I feel a tear fall down my face.

"Hey its ok" She reaches up to my face but I jerk back...

"Im not going to hurt you Athena" My breathing starts to get heavy, I stand up from the table, and I fall back, my vision is getting blurry, and I feel dizzy as the image appears in my mind


"Get better grades or youll get punished" My dad states as we're eating dinner,

"Ok " I say back

"You know better call me sir." He starts to get angry, a tear slips down from my face

"Im not going to hurt you Athena" He has a grin on his face, He wipes the tear away. And slaps me, hard. A sob escapes my mouth.

"Youu really thought I wouldnt punish you for disobeying me" He laughs, my breaths get shaky and I leave the dinner table

*flashback ends*

I feel someone try to help me up but I dont want to get touch

"Dont hurt me!" I sob and shield my face in my arm

"I wont, calm down Im hear, Lydia get Sara" an unfamiliar voice speaks, my vision is still blurry as the black dots appear, I look up and see his face. His voice is so soothing... Deep and luxurious... I cant say anything back because the darkness hits.

author: last update for today, Ill update as soon as I can


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