F o u r

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F o u r

I wake up and look around...it feels like this is a constent cycle in my life, wake up and wonder where the fuck I am. The room seems to be one of the doctors offices, I rip the needle out of my wrist and I get upp and walk to the door and try to open it. Its locked. I start banging on it

"Hey! Let me out!" I dont know if people can hear me, I go and sit back down on the bed. I remember what happened...why did Colby want to help me? Im interrupted by my thoughts when a man walks in. He looks like a doctor.

"Ms. Mack?"


"Do you remember what happened to you?"

"Yes" I reply quietly, I think he wants me to talk about it

"I had a memory, and i thought about it, and I had a panic attack and passed out.."

"That is correct, I advise you to drink more fluids and use tis inhaler, and talk to your therapist"
"O-ok" Is all I manage to say.

"You're free to go" I get up and grab the inhaler and walk out as fast as I can. I walk past the common area and no one is there, Its dark outside so I assume its past curfew. I dont want to go in my room... so I look around. I havent gone outside yet and I need some fresh air. I see some office rooms, so I go and look in them. I go inside the first one and there is a window. I go to open it, and it does. I remove the screen feeling the fresh air hitting my body. It feels great, like Im free again, and not in pain, or suffering. I jump onto the grass and start walking around, there is a bright full moon so I can kinda see where Im going. I see a big Oak tree and start to head over by it. I find a spot to sit facing out to the fence, and I see whats beyond. It looks like a forest, its beautiful and simple. I wish my life could have been like a forest, peaceful, beautiful, and have a worth. I get deep into thoughts, and tears start falling, tears. Tears is the one word to describe my life. I wish I had someone to love me, anybody..

"Youve been here like 2 days and already trying to start trpuble" The voice makes me jump and fear, and start to loose breath, not because Im gscared, because its him, Colby.

"Uh-um..yeah I needed some f-fresh air" I calm down a little bit, He sits down next to me, our shoulders almost touching.

"W-why are you h-here?" He laughs a deep laughter...

"I know the ins and outs of this place been here forever, and I come here to think"

"O-oh" Is all I manage...There is a silence for a little bit, but its not awkward

"What happened today" His voice is so curious, it sounds like he cares. I debate whever I should tell him...but I do

"L-lydia made me think of s-something bad that happened to m-me.." I feel the tears pricking at my eyes, but I hold them back

"And..uh.." The pain won, a single tear falls down my cheek

"I thought about it to much and had a panic attack.." I sniffle and I wipe the tears away, looking at the moon.

"Dont cry, I'm here...Im sorry about what happened" I can feel him looking at me...

"C-colby...why are you here..?" I look at him in the eyes, but he avoids eye contact right away.

"I-i cant tell you..."


"You'll leave...like everyone else.." He looks at the moon.

"No I wont..."

"Yes you will..."

"I dont believe youre a psychopath.." He looks me in the eyes...
"Thats the one thing I am"

His eyes go dark with...with something, but Im not afraid of him.

"No.." I whisper

"The people leave me alone because they know what I'm capable of Athena...I seem shy and quiet, but i'm crazy, and untamable, Im a psychopath."

"I look deeper into his eyes..

"How does it make you feel to know that I could kill you...right now, right here"

My breath hitches, He starts leaning closer to me, I'm still not afraid

"I could kill you and no one would ever know"

His face is inches away from mine.

"Im not afraid of you" I whisper to him.

He puts his hand on my cheek, Im not thinking of anything except him.. He wipes the tears away,

"I'm not going to hurt you anyways" He whispers, his breath hitting my lips. I look down at his lips and back at his eyes, We lean in a bit more, our lips about to touch. He takes his thumb and drags it against my bottom lip..

"Not yet" and with that he sits back down...leaving me looking stupid...I catch my breath and sit back down too.

"We should get going, they are going to do check ins soon"

I get up and follow him back to the window, he walks me back to my room,

"You're a mystery Colby Brock, and Im going to solve you.." I look at his beautiful blue eyes

"Good luck with that Athena Mack" He smirks at me, this smirk could possibly kill someone, I almost dropped dead...

"Goodnight Athena"

"Goodnight Colby"

author: ok colby is daddy. 



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