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things settled down. both were perfectly fine. wonpil still had to try and find a way to breaks up with his girlfriend. dowoon & him kept their thing a secret. when they shared their first kiss in an empty classroom they confessed everything. up to where they first knew they had feelings for each other. up until how much they genuinely like each other. wonpil knew then & there he is in love. with dowoon.

- february 11th

"im ending everything with mei tomorrow" wonpil told dowoon as they were in his basement cuddled up in his couch watching Aladdin. "im sorry your longest relationship is coming to an end..." dowoon sincerely said as he kissed his lips.

"it's okay... i only went out with her because it seemed like everyone was forcing me to be in a relationship with her. but now she's extremely successful... she can find a boyfriend in no time !" wonpil said gently as he played with the youngers hair. "i love you dowoon" he told him as he kissed him multiple times.

"i love you too" he smiled

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