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dowoon was a mess, he didn't know what to do after his thoughts took over his whole mind. maybe it wasn't right of him to do what he did

- february 8th

dowoon & younghyun have hung out more, even after school, only because dowoon was told he'd get free food. but what had happened yesterday still shocked him.

younghyun & him had just simply gotten out of their class, another day for dowoon to get ramen. bUT was it really??

"so dowoon... can i ask you something?" the older fidgeted with his fingers as they were walking towards the school's cafeteria. dowoon nodded and with that he asked-

"are you actually gay?" his eyes widened to that question. "why does that matter?" he coldly replied.

"im curious" is all he replied with. dowoon sighed. because of wonpil he questioned his sexuality. he was bi-curios, but after his last girlfriend he knew he wasn't into girls, anymore. and he hated it, he cried thinking he was insane for thinking like that.

and even thinking over all of that dowoon pushed younghyun into the wall and kissed him.

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