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dowoon simply had the shittiest day. he'd been lied to, his best friend never once told him about his relationship. he felt like his crush on him was absolutely useless, which it was. so he tried his best to drop his feelings... but it was impossible.

- february 7th

"aye dowoon!" wonpil yelled across the hallways trying to catch up to the younger. dowoon turned only to see him & his girlfriend holding hands running to him.

"mei, this is my best friend dowoon! dowoon this is my-"

"you're girlfriend yes i know" and just like that he walked faster not wanting to be late to his class.

hours have gone by and yet dowoon felt upset, wonpil didn't even eat with him during lunch, only younghyun. he kept seeing wonpil with his girlfriend. he wanted to know badly how they met & how he managed to get her. but most importantly he wanted to know about his sexuality. he wants to know absolutely everything about the older.

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