•Chapter 6: Business Trip?•

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Y/n was at the hospital to visit her brother since she hasn't visited him for the past few days.

Y/n told Taehyung that it's okay for him to go once in a while after watching over Soojun and that the doctors can watch over Soojun but he insisted to watch over him...

She didn't stay for long though. She had to go to work.When she left the room, the doctor approached her.

"Miss Y/L/n, ay I talk to you for a second?" She nodded as a reply.

As they walk down the hallway, Y/n spoke. "Doctor, How's my little brother?"

"Well, about that... His condition is still the same and we need to do his surgery soon, or else his condition will go worse." He explained.

"Doc, do I have to pay before the surgery?" She asked. She knows that most surgeries require paying for the bill first before the surgery. Well, it actually depends on the hospital staff.

"Yes" He replied. She gave out a loud sigh.

"Excuse me. I have to go." He said. They both bowed to each other and he left.


"What should I do? Should I ask for my salary? But Its too early. He won't let me." She said to herself while she rested her head on her hands while her arm is resting on the desk.

Lisa and Hoseok approached her. "Hey, You okay?" Lisa asked.

"How's Soojun?" Hoseok asked.

Y/n sighed. "About that..." She said without looking up at them. "...They need to do Soojun's surgery as soon as possible but, I still don't have enough money for it."

"We'll help you pay for Soojun's surgery" Lisa said. Y/n immediately looked up.

"No! You don't have to. I'll just ask Mr. Min for my early salary."

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked then, she nodded.

"Yes... You guys have done so much help to us already." She said as she gave them a forced smile.

Meanwhile at Yoongi's Office, he was talking to his father. "Why did you call for me?" His dad asked.

"I wanna talk about something to you." He said. Yoongi's dad gave his attention to him as he speaks

"Mr. Brown said he wants to meet me personally and wants to meet him in Paris" Yoongi said.

"Why Paris?"

"Because he's on vacation there." Yoongi replied.

"Then why did you ask me to come here? You can handle it yourself." Yoongi's dad said.

"Because... I was hoping you could come with me. Even though I've been in this position (As ceo) for a few months, I'm still new to this." Yoongi said. Yoongi's dad sighed

"I'm sorry son. I'm still a busy man even though I stepped down in my position you know. " He patted Yoongi's shoulder.

"How about you bring someone else with you. How about... Your executive assistant. What's her name again? Ahh... Y/n." Before he could say something, Yoongi's dad received a message. He took his phone to read the message, then, he kept his phone in his pocket. "Sorry... I have to go."

"Okay." Yoongi replied.

"Dont worry. You can do this. I trust you." He said cheerfully and gave Yoongi a smile. Yoongi nooded. He then turned his body towards the door and left.

'Should I bring her with me?'


Meanwhile, Y/n was still talking to Lisa and Hoseok when...

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