•Chapter 26: Love•

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"Just forget about it..."

Y/n ran away after that. Her words kept ringing in his mind. He was in his room as it was filled with darkness, not a single light was on. Some of his stuff was on the floor, His room was a mess.

He was a mess.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Yoongi-ah. Open the door" He heared Seokjin's voice. He didn't reply as a sigh was heared from Seokjin.


"How's he doing?" Hoseok asked Seokjin.

"The same since this morning." He replied. Hoseok sighed.

"I heard from Taehyung that Y/n isn't doing well either." Hoseok said.

"Why can't they just be honest with each other." Jungkook said.

"You don't understand Kookie. They're both broken, especially Y/n. Sure he could've explained to her the misunderstanding, but she's hurt and you know how sensitive girls' emotions are." Jimin said.

"Since when did you know these stuff?" Hoseok asked the boy and he just raised his shoulders.

"Don't worry. Soon enough they'll sort this out. But not right now." Seokjin said and Jungkook just looked at them.

Seokjin sighed and said, "You don't understand these kinds of stuff yet Kookie."


Yoongi could only hear muffled noises from outside his door and he was starting to feel irritated. "If you're just going to be noisy, do it somewhere else!"

They voices then stopped as he heard faint footsteps walking away from the door. He then covered his face with a pillow as he groaned.

Just then, he heard his phone ring. He then turned towards his phone which was on the night stand. He lazily got up as he groaned as he was starting to get annoyed. He then picked it up. "What?"

"It's me..."

He got even more annoyed when he heard the voice. He knew whose voice it was. "What do you want?"

"Relax. I called you because I want to help you."


"Y/n, come on. Let's eat dinner." Eunwoo said from the other side of the door. Eunwoo decided to stay (in Seoul) for a while as he wanted to stay by Y/n's side and comfort her. She didn't reply and continued sobbing.

"Y/n-" Eunwoo was cut off by Taehyung.

"Let's give her time." Eunwoo hesitated before he sighed.

"Y/n, we'll be in the living room okay? Call us if you need anything." Taehyung said. Not waiting for her reply, they walked back to the living room.


A few minutes passed and she was still in her room. She then looked at the clock on her nightstand stand.


She then got up from her bed as she felt her body grow weak. She slowly walked towards her closet at grabbed a jacket before she exited her room. She walked past the living room as the boys noticed her. "Y/n! Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"I need some fresh air." She said weakly.

"You need to eat first." Eunwoo said and Y/n shook her head 'no'. She was about to walk towards the front door when Eunwoo stopped her. "At least drink some water before you go. You cried a lot" He said as he handed her a glass of water.

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