•Chapter 22: What have you done to me?•

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~The next day~
-At work-

Y/n sat on her chair, rethinking about what happened yesterday. She looked at the umbrella Yoongi gave her yesterday in an open drawer beside her. She scratched her temple in frustration, feeling mixed emotions she couldn't even explain.

Just then, she heard someone call her name. She looked up to see the very person she was just thinking about. She stood up and slightly bowed in respect. "I need the papers I asked you before." He said.

'Oh right! Those papers she didn't get a chance to give to him... Twice..' She thought.

She grabbed the the completely organized papers which was on her desk and handed them to him. "Thanks..." He said. "Oh! And by the way... Here..." He added as he handed something to Y/n. She looked at his hand to see him handing her a cup of coffee. She then shifted her eyes towards him when he spoke. "Since you always give me coffee I thought I could at least return the favour. It's nothing special."

She felt butterflies in her stomach as she also felt her cheeks flash a tint of red. She gladly accepted the coffee.

"T-Thank you..." He gave her a small smile which made her face even more heated up. A small gesture yet endearing.

He then left, walking towards his office as Y/n watched him disappear into the hallway.

She looked at the coffee and stroke her cheeks with the back of her left hand as she still felt her face heating up. He offered her the umbrella and now a cup of coffee...

'Wait... Oh right! The umbrella.'

She turned to the umbrella and grabbed it as she sighed, forgetting to give it back to him.

She put the coffee down and was about to go after him to return it when someone called her again.


She turned to see the person she didn't want to see right now. She felt her blood boil the moment she saw her.

"I want you to stay away from Yoongi." Hanna demanded. Y/n was trying her best to keep her cool as this person was starting to get into her nerves.

"I'm sorry. But just as I said before, as his assistant I can't do that." She said. It wasn't an excuse though.

"If you don't want any fight then stay away from him." She threatened.

"And who are you to say that?" Y/n replied. Hanna scoffed

"So you really do want a fight huh?" She said.

"I'm not fighting with you over a guy. And why would I?" Y/n said.

"Because you like him, don't you?" She said. Y/n paused before she replied

"No... We're just... Friends..."

'Yeah... Just friends...'

When she said that, she felt like she got stabbed on the back as she was deceiving her own feelings. "Look, do what ever you want. I don't care." She said before she left Hanna without looking back. She just didn't want to be bothered by her right now.

She walked the other way because she knew Hanna would go the same direction as her. So she decided to return the umbrella later.

She let out a huge sigh, 'Just friends huh?..

I want to end my feelings for him...

But I can't...'


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