Chapter-33 "Let's Finish Her"

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I hold my breath and cautiously turn the key, with a slight click the door swiftly opens. Smirking, I rise up to my full height and walk inside making sure to close the door behind me without making any noise.

So who first?

My thoughts go back to the phone call from Heathen yesterday. Ahhh... Heathen it is. Muhhhaaaahhaaa.

I slowly tiptoe towards her bedroom and open her door, lucky for me it wasn't locked. Holding back an evil laugh I enter her room and find her sleeping at the very edge of her bed. I internally snicker at the thought of her falling off the bed- and by that....

Grinning I quickly run back in the kitchen and start checking all the cabinets. "Ugh, where is it? I'm sure I had seen it somewhere here," I whisper-grumble while opening the doors.

"Okay let's see, if I were Jeff, where would I have hid it? Not in the kitchen... They don't even have a basement... The storeroom? Yes, the storeroom!" I excitedly run towards the small door right beside Antonio's room and open it. Flicking on the lights I start searching in the mess. Just when I was about to leave, a huge pile beside me starts to fall, my eyes widen as I let out a silent scream and stop the stuff before they can touch the ground.

"Shit..." I grunt and push back the pile in its place which only led to something to fall behind it. Great... I try my best to peep around the pile to pick up whatever fell and- Ahh! Found it! At least the fall was worth it....

I smirk with satisfaction and pick up the huge tub and take it to Heathen's room. Don't ask me why they even have this shit, I just remember Jeff telling me about it once. It wasn't until now that I realized that great pranks require great effort, and dragging a huge tub filled with water from the bathroom to Heath's room took huge efforts. On the way, I had also accidentally hit the coffee table which had now left me with a sore toe. This all better be worth it.... Placing the tub right beside Heathen's bed I pull out a paint marker from my backpack. Time for some creativity!!!

After 15 minutes or so I was finally satisfied with my masterpiece so I decide to go on the next part of my plan, sticking the transparent wrap on each side of the door. Common I know, but works everytime! Plus I was just way too lazy last night to come up with something myself. After finishing up everything I check my time, 5:00 am. Perfect! Let's start this plan.

I let out an evil laugh and remove a sickeningly annoying air horn. This should be fun...



"AHHHH!!" Heath jerks up in her seat with a loud ear-piercing scream and then goes tumbling down off her bed with a

"WHO IN THIS MOTHERFUCKIN--cough--WORLD KEPT--gasp--THIS HERE!??" she starts wheezing out while I shake with uncontrollable laughter in the corner of the room.

"What happened!?" Jeff yells running in the room but fails miserably when he gracefully face-plants himself on the floor. "OWWW!!" he cries holding a hand to his nose. By now I was shaking with silent laughter as tears streamed down my face, I gasped for air but then got even more confused whether to laugh at them or suck in air.

"What the fuck is happening??" another loud voice booms, I see Antonio standing there with his jaw open staring horrifically at the scene in front of him.

"My fucking nose!"

"My back!!!"

I fall back on the doubling over laughter, clutching my stomach hard so it would stop paining. Man! Even laughing hurts like a bitch!!

"Raven!? What are you--How? What?" the hilarious look on his face made me laugh even more hard.

"Oh my god!" I gasp for air once more. "Damn... That... Was... Priceless!" I manage to speak between my breaths. I had never laughed this hard before.

"You fucking bitch! You did this!!" Heath yells at while trying to get up from the tub but ended up slipping off with tub now above her. I stand back up and wipe my tears.

"What the hell! Raven!" Jeff gives out a frustrated scream as he tried to free himself from the plastic wrap. I laugh but then abruptly pause with open jaw, when I see both the guys were just in their sweatpants.

I think so did Heathen because her swearings now had stopped, Antonio couches down trying to stifle a laugh as he helps Jeff out. Holy shit.... It was as if they were sculpted sharply right out of the most precious stone by a professional sculptor. My jaw was open like a damn fish staring shamelessly at the two hot shirtless guys. Okay, I seriously need to get a hold of myself, but before I could even consider that thought my mouth goes dry as the blue eyes stare into me, then I see that cocky smirk which to my unfortunate didn't snap me out of my daze or rather shock.

But a sudden whack on my head sure did do the job though...

"Ow! What was that for?" I glare at Heathen.

"Mommy is teaching you that staring openly at other people is bad manners, " Antonio smirks. The sunlight emitting behind from God knows where wasn't helping at all, it was just making his features strike out more. God! What is he made up of?

"She still doesn't seem to be out of it," Jeff snickers beside him. I immediately come into senses at the thought of my self-respect already sinking halfway down in the water.

"Shut up!" I snap at them and internally applaud myself for being so stupid.

"You seem to have got lost in out beauty -Hey what's that on your face?" he points at Heath's face.

"What's wrong?" she frowns.

"How about you take a look at yourself?" Antonio coughs to hide his laugh, while I smirk waiting for her reaction on seeing 'IMMA CRUSH ON YOU' on her forehead with kisses and hearts all over her face.

"Raven! You're gonna die!!" her face fumes up as she charges towards me.. I shriek and sprint past Jeff outside towards the kitchen.

"You get back here!" she yells across the island.

"No way!"

"How dare you do this shit on my face!"

"It suits you!"

"Oh really? I think a black eye much better than this on you!"

"I think it'll suit more better on you," I laugh and run outside.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" she growls. I laugh harder seeing her angry face. Now I know why people have fun testing my patience, seeing someone get irritated is damn hilarious.

"I'll rip your body parts one by- oomph!" she stops abruptly when the pillow in my hand hits her straight in the face.

"You. Just. Crossed. The. Line." she says slowly in the most treating manner. Now, this is the part where things get ugly.

"Really?" I laugh nervously. No reply.

"Guess what's today?" I sing song. No reply. An angry Jeff comes stands beside her.

"Today is the day we go to have fun," I try again. No reply. They were still snarling at me with their menacing glares.

"We'll go to the beach," I gulp and look at Antonio for help, but the bastard just smirks and leans against the wall. I should have really pranked him too.

"Let's finish her," Jeff says in a low tone.

And that was the last anyone ever heard of Raven Robertson.

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