4: Mission No 1

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"Where is he? The investors will be arriving any minute now.", I said as I continuously checked my watch every two minutes. I was getting worried. What if something happened to him?


I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice calling me. I looked up and saw that it was Miyeon, my colleague.

"Yes, Miyeon?"

"I have brought the files. You will take them to Mr. Park right?"

I nodded and again checked my watch, feeling frustrated.

"What happened? He hasn't arrived yet?"

"No.", I shook my head.

"Chill. He must be on his way. You are finally going to get rid of him. I need a party after you leave this post. I am still shocked how you handled his attitude for six years straight. Looking at you working 24/7 makes me scared.", She giggled and started talking more.

Miyeon was a girl with a bubbly personality. We were quite close as well. But I can't tolerate it when anyone bad mouths Jimin. He honestly didn't deserve people always assuming things about him that he was heartless. It was just how he was. And I was the only one who knew about that secret side of his. Otherwise, he would always be the perfect, competitive, rich, handsome, cold boss in front of everyone. And I wondered how many people actually knew Jimin?

"Miyeon, I think you have some work left. It's not the best time to gossip.", I smiled, cutting her off from her rant.

The girl stopped. "Oh yes, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. Have a good time, Y/N.", She said and left.

After she had left, I heard footsteps approaching outside and the door slid open revealing Jimin. I stood up from my seat.

He stopped in his tracks. Then, he turned to look at me, and then he smiled.

Weird, he usually goes to his office straight and he rarely smiles. He must be in a good mood.

"Good afternoon Mr. Park, Did you have a nice lunch?", I bowed slightly.

"I did. What about you, Miss Kim?", He asked. His smile is really beautiful. I couldn't help but wonder what had put him in such a good mood.

"I had a good time as well. Mr. Park, the investors must be here anytime soon now. I believe you should be heading towards your office. I will bring the documents."

"Sure.", He nodded and walked to the front opening his office door. Then, the door was shut closed and I finally heaved a sigh of relief.

My workplace was right in front of Mr. Park's office. I collected the files Miyeon had brought and headed inside the office.

The meeting with the investors went well. Everything went fine but I was surprised by Mr. Park staring at me from time to time. Is he maybe sick? I need to contact the family doctor. His last health checkup was done nearly 2 months ago.

After the meeting ended, I brought coffee for him, his favorite black coffee with one teaspoon of sugar. I placed it on his desk while he typed some things on his laptop.

"Mr. Park.", I called.


"I sent a message and flowers to Miss Areum that you won't be able to attend the lunch. I am wondering about the car you want to send her as your breakup gift. There are several new models that have arrived on the market. I have saved the details about everything. You just need to choose which one you want to buy for her.", I said as I handed the tab to him.

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