8: The Gala

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It was Thursday afternoon and I had just left for my apartment to get ready for the gala since Jimin told me to leave earlier.

I glanced at my watch.

3 pm

The gala starts at 6 pm. So, I had 3 more hours to prepare. More like I had 2 hours for some sleep.

I lied down on my bed, exhausted by the whole day's work. My eyelids became heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep.

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Hurriedly, I took out my phone and saw that it had just become half past 4.

I heaved a sigh of relief and went to receive the door. Mr. Kang was at the door with a package in his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Kang, what brings you here?", I said as I looked at the man in his 50s who had worked for the Park Family all his life.

"Miss Kim, Mr. Park sent this package for you. It's for the charity gala.", He said.

"Oh, I see. Thank you so much and sorry for the trouble."

"It's alright. So, I will take my leave now. Mr. Park has said that he would come to pick you up by 5:45 pm."

"Alright. Bye."


After that, I closed the door and ran to my bedroom. "What's this?", I wondered as I tore the paper outside and took out the box inside it.

I opened the box and found a beautiful dress inside it. "Huh? A dress?"

It was a beautiful long black dress that reached up to my knees. The upper part was strapless and was simple. There was a beautiful bow above the waist section and it flowed down beautifully in layers after that which shimmered in glitters and pearls.

Wow, how beautiful. Must have cost a fortune.

But why did he send me a dress?

"I don't have time to think a lot. I need to hurry up."

I quickly had a shower and after drying my hair, I applied some minimal makeup and straightened it. I just kept my hair simply down.

Then, I wore the dress and I paired up the outfit with black stilettos.

I looked at the mirror and thought.

"If I had a prince charming, maybe we would dance together at the ball tonight."


"Jimin, this is a big opportunity for you. Don't mess things up tonight, please. Remember all the notes?", Areum asked on the phone.

"Yeah, I remember.", Jimin had already dressed up for the gala. He was clad in a black suit that perfectly toned his torso.

He held the paper in his hand. He had even made notes, god.

"Let's revise it once again. You need to compliment her at first. When you get out of the car, you need to open the car door for her."

"Wait but, I was telling you that she is my secretary. So, she always opens the car for me. Won't it look weird?", Jimin asked her.

"That's your problem to solve."

"Alright. Next?"

"Make her feel comfortable and this time no flowers, no salad. And maybe you two can even dance together."

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