31: To Chase you Once Again

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"Come on, hurry up sis!", I called her while I rummaged through my purse making sure that everything was inside. Erin had arrived getting dressed up and my sister had still not left the room.

"I am coming. Wait  a minute, I am just checking the windows.", She said.

After a while, she arrived looking stunning in her white dress with a black leather jacket. I had worn a black bodycon dress that perfectly hugged my curves. It was elegant and classy. Erin was looking gorgeous in her red spaghetti strap dress.

"Damn, we are really going to get those hunks now, aren't we?", Erin giggled.

I laughed. "Come on, let's move, we don't want to be late."

We took a cab to the club. After we arrived, I was immediately welcomed by the loud sound of the music that was pumping from inside. The place was crowded.

There were many people and I felt a bit overwhelmed. I didn't fancy  crowded places a lot.

My sister led us to the club. We stepped inside the club to see people dancing and having drinks. People were having fun feeling the music as their feet moved to the crazy beat.

They were dancing and having fun like they were going to do this for the last time. Something about it was liberating which made me feel like I should let loose sometimes as well.

We went to one corner with my sister. Her friends were there. We did some quick greetings. I congratulated Alan, the person who had received the promotion. He was very friendly and made sure that everyone was comfortable.

Even though, Erin and I had crashed his gathering, he didn't mind it and was polite enough to even pay for our drinks.

After some round of drinks, everyone started to leave for the dance floor. I was the only one sitting on the stool. Erin insisted me to join but I didn't want to dance.

The drinks were making me feel hazy. I didn't have much but I was a lightweight. I couldn't handle a lot.

Getting bored with each passing minute, my eyes darted from one part to another part of the club hoping to see something interesting.

I was thinking about these strangers who were here to get lost in the nightlife. How many of them just wanted to be here not to think? To get away from their life for once in a while so that it won't be more suffocating than it already is?

And here I was who was thinking instead of enjoying what this could provide me. I shook my head as I realized that I had been distracted again.

I lifted my head up once again while chugging down the remaining drink and my breath hitched.

I felt my whole body freeze as my eyes fixed on one person.

I spotted him.

He was  there across the room.

The neon lights that went around in circular motions, the loud blaring music, the people dancing and screaming, I forgot everything.

My mind seemed like it had shut down and my eyes were completely glued to his back.

No, No! That can't be him! I was surely drunk as hell.

But hell I knew that I was sober enough to know who that person was. Spending six years by his side, I knew his presence.

As the information slowly began to sink in, my brain started working and finally panic settled in me.

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