23: The Storm

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It was raining.

The cool wind brushed past my face making me shiver.

The beautiful sky, dark and gloomy with it's tears falling down,
It was beautiful. Something which I had always loved. Rain.

Though the other staffs were pretty bummed about having to postpone the event, I felt really happy. Rain always made me feel tranquil.

I was sitting inside my tent, peeking outside from the half-opened zipper of it. I took in the lovely fresh air which made me feel alive.

Closing my eyes, I listened the wonderful music of the rain hitting the earth and it's earthy smell engulfed my heart.

I suddenly felt someone pinch my nose. I looked up, surprised by that touch and saw Mr Park smiling at me with an umbrella in his hand.

My cheeks flushed and I couldn't speak for a moment.

"Do you need anything, Mr Park?", I asked after collecting myself.

"Do you want to go for a walk?", He asked.



"But I don't even have an umbrella...", I said.

"I already have one.", He said showing me the umbrella he was holding.

"But the others....they will....", I hesitated.

"Don't care about others. I can handle it and even if you still feel hesitant, there aren't any around right now. Everyone headed off to their own tents."

"Okay! Then!", I said, excitedly. His heart skipped a beat seeing that beautiful smile.

I came out of the tent and Mr Park held the umbrella for me. We two were just some inches apart and our arms were brushing each other's.

"Where should we go?", I asked as he turned around and started walking which led to a different path.

"A surprise.", He asked, and gave his beautiful eye smile that made his eyes disappear. I was always weak for that smile.

Though we were comfortable with each other, there was still some awkwardness in the air. After all, things were new for both of us.





"Mr Park"

"Miss Kim"

We called each other at the same time which made my cheeks flush even more.

"You can go ahead.", I said.

"No, what did you want to tell?", He asked.

"No, nothing. It wasn't that important.", I said.

"Can we hold hands?", He asked.

"Oh-----", I was taken aback.

"No, I mean, if you don't want to do, it's okay. It's fine.", He said and immediately turned his gaze elsewhere.

He was always the person who didn't like physical interaction. But seeing him initiating something intimate like holding hands, softened up my heart.

My hands slowly made their way to his hands. The nervousness was evident on my face and my heart was drumming in my chest.

His hands were small with baby like fingers but still big compared to mine and it fit so perfectly. My fingers interlocked his and I looked at him.

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