Chapter 5: The Fall of Jason Craite

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 We just had to stay one more day out of the lime light because then we would be on the train to the countryside to live with Trish’s friend out of the path of Derek Grawl.

 “Darling, you must go and get the extra bags, we have no more room in the ones we have.” Trish had filled our bags to the brim and even with her so called ‘master’ packing skills, she could not fit everything into the bags we had.

 “I’m right on it. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” I said in a jolly sort of way, although inside something didn’t feel right. I felt like I should stay that day. I didn’t know why this feeling had come to me and reassured myself that there was nothing to be worried about. I left in ordinary middle class clothes as to not draw attention to myself. I quickly swept through the streets and into the market where I purchased three tartan suit cases (I was sure that would leave another bag for any packaged food we wished to bring with us). I hauled them along behind me and realized how heavy they would be when filled to the brim with all sorts of things.

 I took a detour down the one of the emptiest roads which would lead me home. It was the road of the house of Derek Grawl. A sharp chill shot up my spine as I froze in front of his house. I noticed that the door was left ajar; he must have left in a rush. I thought I would have a quick look around the house to see if I could find any clues as to where he went. There was nothing that seemed out of the norm in the downstairs area. Although I had not seen any of these rooms before, I would have been able to tell if he had done anything that wasn’t normal. Once I was certain that there was nothing strange downstairs I headed upstairs. The first place I went was his bedroom. I had only been in here once and had planned never to set foot in it again. This was the place I had murdered his wife, Catherine Grawl. Everything had changed; the bed, the cupboard, the wallpaper, carpet just to name a few. He must have been desperate to get rid of the horrific memory of his wives corpse laying on the floor beneath the mattress with fresh blood running down her throat. I noticed a small piece of paper on the writing desk by the corner of the room. It was list. The title was strange; it was the name of the road I live on. And then I realized why. I spotted a list of addresses, most of which had been crossed off. All except one which had been circled… and the address… was mine. I immediately picked up the bags and put them under my arms and ran. I ran and ran and ran. I saw my house in the distance and picked up my pace and went into a sprint down the road. I didn’t slow down until I came to an immediate stop in front of my home. All seemed calm, there was no sign of Derek anywhere and I came to realize that I had beaten him to my house and I could now protect Trish against any harm that could come to her. I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders as I exhaled deeply and strolled towards the front door.

 Then, when I least expected it, there was a sudden heart-stopping scream. My face drained of colour as I stopped in my tracks. All emotions swept from my mind as I stood, frozen, and tried to understand what I had just heard. I knew what had happened deep down but refused to believe myself. I dropped the bags and kicked the door off its hinges. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, unaware of the man in my lounge. He wasn’t the killer, he was the cloaked man and he watched me as I ran upstairs.

 I reached the bedroom and, again, kicked the door down. There he was, Derek, standing in front of the open window. Before I could do anything… he jumped. In hopes he was dead, I looked down out the window. I knew he was too smart to just suicide like that. He had thrown our mattress onto the ground below to make for a soft landing. I slowly turned and looked down. What I saw that day would change my life forever. There she lay. Sweet, sweet Trish. An innocent woman who I loved like I had never loved anyone before. I wouldn’t describe it to you but I would be a coward if I didn’t. She lay in a puddle of deep red blood which saturated the carpet surrounding her. The wounds were much more gruesome than those of which I had inflicted on Catherine. Even the angel’s hair was sticky with the red substance. Her throat had been sliced open but the cut was not as wide as the vertical smooth cut on her stomach. Blood poured out like I had rarely ever seen. How dare he… he used her blood. He used her blood to write upon the wall. The red liquid was still dripping from each letter that wrote ‘Revenge is sweet, Justice is swift’.

 Something broke inside me that day. The scream played over and over in my head, a never ending reminder of the death of my beloved Trish. I stroked her life drained face and the screams grew louder. I cried, then I laughed and then I cried again. What was happening to me I did not know. The screams continued to repeat… echoing… constantly. I had already grown furious at the screams alone going round and round in my head and I yelled myself. I yelled at the height of my lungs. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a faint chuckle from behind me. I turned rapidly and swiftly recovered from a brief dizziness to see the cloaked man standing straight against the wall, continuing to chuckle at my infuriated expression.

 “YOU!” I bellowed. I recognised the cloaked man from the times he appeared in the corner of my eye and unable to come to terms with what I caused, placed the blame on him. “YOU STARTED THIS! YOU TOLD THAT THING ABOUT ME! YOU ARE BOTH AS MONSTROUS AS EACHOTHER!” I couldn’t hold in the anger. I had to let it all out, and it started with him. I threw a punch directly at his face, drawing more power than I thought I could yet he simply moved to the right and my fist went straight through the wall.

 “Correction, you are the monster.” He said softly and calmly. He then looked at the hole I had made in the wall. “That would have hurt if you were quick enough.” He then softly chuckled again, provoking me. I threw another punch, then another and another, each of which he dodged effortlessly. Only seeing a blur every time he moved, I could only attack while he was idle. He never moved a lot when he dodged, only to the point where he was millimetres from where my fist landed each time. I took a step back and rested my arms. “I thought you were better than this.” He pointed out the dents I had made in the wall by continuously missing him. “I have seen you rise to your strongest, train to the best of your abilities and now, I have seen the fall of Jason Craite. You really are much weaker than I realized. I must revise my methods of estimating abilities mustn’t I?” I threw one last punch but he once again moved swiftly out the way. He chuckled and then he was gone in a blink of an eye. I once again yelled at the top of my lungs and it echoed through the home

 I quickly buried my deceased wife in the back garden and moved on to hunt Derek. He would pay for his deeds. So, with that, I left the home never to return only accompanied by the continuous scream going round and round in my head, following me everywhere.

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