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In the movies, they over exaggerate the popular kid times ten. They make it look like that there's one kid in the school which every single other pupil worships, and needs an inhaler every single time their name is mentioned.

Imagine in the movies there is a popular kid... Let me think of a really generic name... Brad. Imagine a popular kid called Brad. Now Brad, would walk through the hallways in slow motion, all the girls would drop their textbooks, and fan themselves with their hands, and squeal in slow motion. The boys would be like "WASSUP" also in slow motion. Yeah, everything happens in slow motion.

In reality... Brad... Doesn't exist. Not like that anyway.

In real high schools and secondary schools nobody worships anyone like that. And if you walk in the hallways slow motion... Firstly, there is not enough space to do that, and if your high or secondary school happens to be empty or something so there is enough space to do that, you'll get slapped on the back of the head or something.

Everyone in high school and secondary school is way too stressed out about exams or homework to spend their time worshipping just another kid in slow motion.

And in the movies, it's like:

"OoOh BrAd EvErYoNe KnOwS bRaD"

Well in reality, there is not a single person everyone knows in high school or secondary school. There were kids in my class for 5 years who I couldn't even remember the name of and chances are those kids wouldn't have remembered my name either.

I knew of people in my year sure, the loud mouths, but I barely knew anyone in the years (in Englad we call grades 'years' i.e. 8th grade would be year 8) below me or above me, even that year's loud mouths. Sure, I'd seen them but I never knew their ways.

So if you're going into high school or secondary school and you've watched all the movies, and aspire to be the POPULAR kid, don't. Because they don't exist. And chances are you'll soon realise you have homework and so do other people, so they won't have time to worship you and you won't have time to be that kid.

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