I Used to be Pro-Life

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This chapter title has been edited since my opinion has changed. I still believe life begins at conception, unlike many pro-choice people, but I'm pro-choice. So the essay below is from when I WAS pro-life.


Abortion is murder, let's stop denying that. Let's stop calling it a fucking cluster of cells for it's really not. It's tangible, real, innocent human life, wrapped in that womb, sucking on nutrition from the mother, hoping to live and flourish into a beautiful being that could forge its own destiny, carve its own path in the world. It's the killing of the purest form of the Homo Sapiens specie, the baby, or at least what precedes the baby.

Yes, it's a cluster of cells, but as long as you're ending something that has the potential to develop into human life, it's murder. That's just sound logic and the right moral compass for anybody with a heart to follow, in my not-so-humble opinion. Let's also incorporate it into feminism if you want: think of the women after abortion. Think of the women suffering, staying up at night imagining how her and the father's genetic makeup would have translated into the baby's features. Her motherly instinct spending night after night killing her happiness with endless guilt.

Yes, this is emotional logic, but isn't it the same logic the left uses to defend their anti- death penalty stance? Since when was emotion disregarded in the name of "blatant" science? Why does this agenda and its emotional side get different treatment in relation to other debates like the 1000 gender identity spectrum, multiple LGBT labels and racial privilege? Since when was emotion not considered a rationale? Emotion can blind you, but mostly it does not, for emotion is what guides our moral compass, our moral intuition, how we move through this world. Stop degrading emotion!

I'm not saying the pro-life movement doesn't have problems. The conservative takeover of that side denies the diversity of women likely to get pregnant, dismisses modern trends and preaches abstinence in the name of religion. Not getting into whether saving yourself for marriage is good or bad, it does end up being a personal choice for everyone despite what they want for the world, since it cannot be enshrined into law and is immensely private. One cannot not advocate for birth control, just because they're abstinent.

The fact is that a lot of us are sexually active, and it's just a matter of overcoming your ego and realising that whether you believe it to be sin or not, people will always do what they want. Adapt to the world, put on those "new era" glasses and recognise that non-religious and non-abstinent religious people exist.

I'm pro-life, I admit it, but I'm also not ignorant of the modern world. And I'm ready to listen to the other side to find a compromise, and also not be stuck in the past, for we need to separate church from state. In short, I'm an exceptions for rape, the mother's health and incest affirming, sex-education activism affirming, against abstinence-only teaching pro-life feminist.  

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