Ancestral Guilt

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I don't understand the point of overt ancestral pride beyond a certain point. I don't understand shaming people for their ancestor's actions. I also don't get how people have heavy feelings about their ancestral past because of slavery and stuff. It's so confusing to me?I'm pretty sure I had some terrible ancestors. My mom's grandpa belonged to this ultra-religious hyper-nationalist radical group. That's less than forty-fifty years ago- pretty recent. But I'm not particularly guilty about that, and I don't want to be. I'm clearly not like him at all, and I prove it in the way I talk and my everyday actions towards people of other religions. I don't even identify with the religion of that hyper-nationalist group, so why should I be guilty?I'm talking about white blaming, telling white people they're inherently bad. Telling them to have some sort of guilt because of their ancestor's slave-owning pasts. How plantation weddings are terrible too. I can't seem to make any sense of it. You wouldn't tell the son of an ISIS militant who escaped that regime with his mom the same thing if you have a brain. So why wouldn't you apply the same logic elsewhere? It's just so illogical to me. The entire "we've been oppressed for so long" mantra is a terrible excuse to be horrid, trust me. It doesn't convince anyone of your argument. It makes you more of a hypocrite because now you're just being terrible to a bunch of people you claim were asshats to you in the past. Well, guess what? Murder doesn't solve murder, bullying doesn't solve bullying. The same thing applies here.This INSANE focus on the past is terribly bizarre unless you want to focus on something like economics. Maybe saying how white people had the means to acquire wealth decades before blacks may have, for instance. It may explain why some people are so bitter about the financial setback they've had from familial wealth or security they lack. To support financial aid to lower-class families, awareness should be spread based around actual statistics. There should be recorded histories showing disparities between wealth despite the same level of hard-work put forward by black people. That's just an example but what I mean is: you require factual data to back you up. But for anything regarding deep-seated feelings of guilt, and feelings, any index that can't be measured in any way that isn't subjective, it's really hard to come to any logical stand which is based on reason. And sometimes that ends up making you kinda sorta really racist to white people or sound terrible. The other side hears one bullshit thing and completely decides to ignore you and the actual point isn't heard. So either back your data with evidence... or suck it up to focus on the real issues which actually give you the logical upper hand and will benefit your community.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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