Chapter two

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"Oh shut up, god you birds are so bloody annoying."

The birds outside, as pretty as they were to look at and as sweet they sung, had been chirping since five am that day, and a certain youtuber had just had about enough of it.

He sat up, wiping his eyes and adjusting to light that beamed through his window. As well as the birds, there was also the commotion of the cars, people and just London in general, not exactly the most pleasant sound to wake up to. None the less, it did remind him of home. He grabbed his phone, checking the time.

He sighed somewhat satisfied with what could be read on the dim screen, a high brightness being a waste of battery.

"Quarter to seven, not too bad Joseph. Not too bad." He placed it faced down by his pillow before he had a good morning stretch, hearing his bones click and feeling his body loosen up a little. Feeling the cold air hit his skin, he exhaustedly walked into the bathroom, yawning. When he got there, he placed two towels outside, removing his apparel and stepping under the warm stream of water. While cleansing himself, he was also pretending he was in the recording booth recording his next hit single, which was apparently 'all rise' by blue.

"Baby I swear I'll tell the truth, about all the things you used to do...and if you thought you had me fooled..." He belted at the top of his lungs, using a shampoo bottle as a microphone and water slightly blinding him. "I'm telling you now..."

"Morning bru, you'll be topping the charts in no time!" Joe switched off the stream instantly, shocked and embarrassed. He had flinched heavily, losing his breath a little.

"Cor blimey Byron! You scared the life out of me." He could hear Byron laughing his head off in the corridor, stepping out of the shower and taking a gasp through his teeth, the cold air much less comforting than the warmth of the shower as he tied the towel around his waist, hugging himself loosely.

"Jesus Christ! It's bloody freezing!"

After he had gotten dressed and gotten ready, he walked out into the living room and grabbed himself some yoghurt and granola, shutting the cupboard doors behind him. He sat on the sofa, his hair still slightly damp but not a burden.

"So bru, first day at Strictly. How are you feeling?" Byron had soon joined him, too having breakfast but instead having some toast, a ton of butter on the bread.

"To be honest, I'm bricking it. I feel like a year seven on transition day, terrified." Byron chuckled at this, Joe's analogies never failed to amuse him, sometimes barely related to the thing they were talking about but somehow he pulled it off every time.

"You'll be fine. Focus on the dancing, and all the other celebrities will feel the same, even if they don't admit it, it happens to everyone." Joe nodded, smiling a little now. What Byron had just said was indeed very true, everyone has some nerves in them, and most of the time confidence isn't what meets the eye.

"Thanks Byron...that really helped, it did. Anyway, you got much on at all, music, Emily, the boys?"

"No not really. I might just work on some new songs, I think I could finish an ep by the end of the month if I put my mind to it." Joe nodded a few times slightly eagerly, remembering the other day when Byron had been singing one of his songs around the kitchen, Joe having loved every second of it.

"Oh definitely. You know that one, the other day in the kitchen, oh god. How'd it go again?" Joe tapped his chin in attempt to remember, his head betraying him as his mind went blank, much to his frustration. "Something about lights?"

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