Chapter three

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"Hi, I'm Dianne." Dianne shook the boy's hand, his brown hair falling over his forehead slightly, Dianne finding him rather pleasing to the eye, from head to toe. As they shook hands, it was as if fire had risen throughout both of them, warming any cold parts.

"Joe, nice to meet you." They pulled away, Joe noticing the dimple on her cheek which made him want to smile himself, more than he already wanted to, seeing a girl who wasn't the worst view in his mind.

"Excited to dance, I can already see a good neck for ballroom." Joe smiled, trying his very hardest to not look like a tomato. He succeeded, thank god.

"Thanks, I normally get taken the mic out of for that so that's good to hear. The ballroom ones are the slower ones, aren't they?" He furrowed an eyebrow, struggling to confirm it in his head. She chuckled a bit, finding his dialogue adorable.

"You could say that, apart from the quickstep, which is well...quick." They both laughed, Kevin Clifton coming to join the party, a small smirk on his face. He had known Dianne long enough to know when she had an eye for someone, and she most definitely had her eye on this Joe character. Sometimes she wished he couldn't read her like book, blessing and a curse.

"Oh hi, I'm Kevin by the way, nervous? Excited? Overwhelmed?" Dianne let the two boys talk, wandering over to Janette, who could also read her like a book, all the pros had formed strong bonds, once again a blessing and a curse.

"A mix of all of them, excited to dance but nervous to mess up, overwhelmed by the fact I'm in the same room as some of my childhood idols." Kevin laughed a little, raising his eyebrows, wanting some answers out of the brunette boy.

"Faye and Lee. Faye was my err, well." Kevin cooed, nudging him a bit. "That's between me and you Kev." Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered. Come and meet AJ, you two would get on well I think." While Kevin was speaking, it seemed as though Joe's eyes were somewhere else, but quickly went back to Kevin as he saw one of the pros raise their eyebrows, catching him out.

He shook his head slightly before nodding. Kevin was slightly confused, Joe seemed a little startled. "Lead the way." He was lead over to Janette, who was with Alijaz and Neil. Stacey joined them shortly after, all engaged in a small group conversation.

"That's so fast, the jive is definitely not my thing." Joe said as himself and Janette did a jive, Joe struggling to keep up but not doing terribly either. "I can barely keep up."

"You'll be fine, just do it over and over and it'll get easier. Here, we can start slow and build up the speed. Ready?"

Joe nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yep, lets do this." They continued to run it over and over, until eventually he had it on lockdown but was exhausted, exhausted being an understatement.

" this...every day?" Janette chuckled, them both going over to get some water. Janette was pleasantly surprised by all the celebrities, they all had really great work ethic and were all quick learners, as well as really nice down to earth people.

"We've been trained to do this remember, it doesn't come straight away. And you're doing really well, we've got the waltz next, which from what I've heard is more up your street."

Joe sighed with relief, Janette chuckling at his reaction. "Yeah, I've always wanted to know how to waltz, it looks really elegant."


Joe opened the front door to the apartment, dripping in sweat from that day. He had worked extremely hard and had pushed his body through limits he didn't know could be reached, let alone pushed past and replaced. He let go of his bag, wandering into the living room.

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