Golden letters

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    I'm standing in the middle of a strange room and every object surrounding me seems to tell a story of its own.
    The faded cracking of the furniture from time to time sends shivers down my spine, giving me a weird feeling of restless. Must be from the faint smell of cologne that remained in the air, leaving small pieces of endorphins to alter with my senses.

    The sound of a closing door lets me know that he's here and my body melts instantaneous, responding to his unspoken calling.

    A hand approaches me, but I can't see anything more since the rest of his body is covered by darkness.

    A strand of my hair is pulled aside and his fingers make contact with my skin.

    I wonder every time how can a cold touch emanate so much heat and strip me in just a second of everything that I considered mine, making it his own.

    I know so well what's going to happen next. How his strong arms are going to pull me closer, letting me feel every inch of his body while resting upon his chest.

    As I expected, he does just that, and even though I saw it coming, the power of his presence never ceases to amaze me.

    My eyes close instinctively, letting the pleasure of him run through my every pore.

    One of his hands is tangled in my hair, slowly pulling my head to the side in order to gain access to the exposed skin of my neck.

    I can feel his breathing became deeper, taking a moment to enjoy the newly discovered sight, just instants left until he can claim me as his.

    He pulls me closer, and I can feel all of his muscles tense as his lips make contact with the skin of my neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps on their path.

    Seconds after, I feel his teeth grazing my skin and I open my eyes, eager to see the one who managed to erase all my previous life just in a few seconds from his first touch.

    And then it happens... The darkness evaporates and light finds its way, making the room an all too familiar place.

   It was just a dream. The same dream that haunts my every night for almost two years now.

   Small drops of sweat are resting on my forehead reminding me how my existence is ruled by something I never known... An illusion that disappears with the first ray of light that reaches my sheets, leaving me empty and yearning for a fantasy that will never happen.

    I finally decide to leave my bed, even though I wished so hard to close my eyes in order to find out how my dream would end. But I've tried that before, on a hundred different mornings, without being able to feel his bittersweet touch on my skin.

   My feet felt heavily on the floor, pushing the sheets away, forcing myself to go and get ready for work.

   I actually love my job! It gives me great satisfaction, but sometimes I dream of living another kind of life, where the passion I put in my work would also refract in my private life.

    I graduated from art school, the first of my class. That was a year and a half ago and ever since I've been working for an art gallery as an assistant.

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