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What you believe to be true. Is it true? Or do you believe that it's true because you were taught that it is and never looked any further?

Short Story | Science Fiction | Prequel Novella

Summary: Director, it's Dr. Prescott. I've just examined a patient with -well, I've never seen anything like it. It's some kind of unknown specimen. I did a check on the blood we pulled from the transport, and it's all negative. There's nothing registered under it in the database.

Do you know anything about this? I have no idea what Link and his men were doing, but this thing should have been placed into quarantine before my team was allowed to see it. The specimen is entirely unknown, which poses a risk to everyone on the base. I know you said that we have to undergo Priority One, but I can't protect the specimen and maintain quarantine without all the information.

The specimen is in the examination room. Get down here. Now.


#Contains: Violence, blood, gore, death, use of strong language, and lying government agencies.


Authors's Note: Geminus Anomaly is a prequel. Ten parts. Just over 10,000 words.

I would like to dedicate this story to Ridley Scott and the wonderful mind that invented Ripley, the mind of Micheal Crichton who gave us Jurassic Park and the science involved on that end, and a writer here on Wattpad who was so down when I tweeted about killing some characters.

Thank you for taking the time and I hope you enjoy it!

2024 Author's Note: This story is currently being expanded into a full length novel. 

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