Secret lovers?! (dr)

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AN:This is for few characters.Its not going to be like the other chapter.Just them texting.Also since everyone has different usernames in private chats I'll tell you who it is in some form.Enjoy this chapter!

Rich husbano


Good morning,Makoto.

Are you okay,Kuya?

I just woke up that's all.

Oh.Sorry for waking you up.

It's fine,Makoto.
So what do you need?

I was wondering if you knew
why Kirigiri,Sayaka,and Murko
keep starring at me everytime
I walk past.

Just tell those three idiots
to stop starring at you.
I know their starring at your ass.

T-they are?!

Yes they are.
And I will hurt them if needed.

Dont hit our friends please!

*you're friends

Really Togami?
You're acting soooo mature.

No one likes me,Naegi-kun.
So it really is you're friends.

But I love you,Byakuya!!

I love you too.
You stupid commoner.

But am I cute commoner?

And what the hell does 'OwO'

It's just a cute little thing
people do.

Okay then.

So how's the problem
with Toko going?

Let me tell you.
Toko is fine with me
hanging out with you now.
But Syo.
That little scissor killing
Keeps going on and on
about how your a bad
Like bitch I'm a horrible
You,Makoto Naegi,
are absolute angel,
the cutest thing alive,
sweetest being to walk this
damn planet,
the love of my fucking life.

I know you cant see me
but I'm a blushing mess.

I want to see you so bad.
But of course Syo is standing
outside my house.
In fact I'm going to
look up how to
escape from a window.

You don't have to!
Please dont mess up
your suit for me!!

It's fine.
I'll just climb out
the window.
I just want to have
alone time with you.

I appreciate you so much.
I love you sooo

Love you too,Makoto.

In another chat

My bae💖💓💗💘💋

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