Chapter 19

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"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor."

-Eleanor Roosevelt


- Do you remember me? - he asks quite disappointed after seeing my confused look.

- Of course I do! - I declare.

Right in front of me a cute, tall boy is looking at me.

It's the same boy that drove me to school weeks ago.

- Do you need a ride, new girl? - he asks.

- You know I have a name, right? - I chuckle.

- You didn't tell me, new girl - he replies.

- You didn't ask - I laugh.

- You're right - he confesses.

- But still, you know what my name is - I affirm completely sure of myself.

- Do I? - he tries to confuse me.

- You do Blake, you sure as hell do - I answer looking at him with a big smirk on my face.

- You really did your homework new girl, didn't you? - he says with a satisfied tone.

- I don't think I was the only one, was I? - I  reply almost whispering.

- So, Kira, do you need a ride or not? - he repeats, now adding my name.

- Sounds good to me - I agree.

- Come on then - he says leading the way.

We start walking. We talk about casual things like school, friends, etc. 

After a while he's looking at me and I have a feeling that he wants to ask me something.

- What happened today at lunch? - he asks.

- I don't know -  I just say.

And the truth is, I really don't know what the hell that was.

- They were talking about you, right? - he asks again.

- Yes - I reply. 

I don't really know what to say.

- I can understand them somehow - he admits.

- What? Why? - I laugh.

- There's just something that keeps pulling me towards you, it's a weird feeling, I don't know how to describe it - he explains.

- I don't know what to say to that - I confess.

- Makes sense - he laughs.

- So, where do you live? - I ask.

- Near the bay - he replies.

- My house is near the bay as well - I answer surprised.

- I know - he says without further explanation.

Okay, now I'm definitely curious.

- How do you know? - I ask confused.

- I see you every morning - he answers.

- Where? - I keep bothering him.

- On my way to school - he says calmly.

- So, if you do know where I live, why are we driving past my house? - I ask even more confused now.

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