● Deaf AU ●

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Keith was an idiot. He should've asked Shiro for a ride. Then again, that'd be rude to Lance--unless Lance came along, and Keith wasn't sure how he felt about Lance yet. Lance is someone... he can't figure out, and he dislikes that about their relationship.

So, Keith paid the five bucks to board a bus. When he walked on, it was pretty full. He pushed through, trying to find a place for him to see the screen indicating each road and city they're entering. He saw signs that said passengers must give up a seat for the disabled, so he wasn't too worried about it.

He pushed through a few strangers, giving apologetic eyes, but noticed no available seats. He looked at a middle-aged looking individual, assumable a woman, with pale skin, thick black hair, and bright colorful clothing. He pushed through a couple other standing passengers who were holding onto the bus railing, until he was standing in front of her. The person's eyes were glued to their phone, so Keith tapped their seat lightly.

Their eyes flickered up at Keith, and he dug through his pant pocket to find his disability card. He pulled it out and showed her the card, and began signing, May I sit there so I can see the screen? He did a lot of pointing afterwards, in case they didn't know what he was saying, unfortunately.

The middle-aged individual raised an eyebrow and began speaking, but the only words Keith caught were hear... why can't... somewhere... bus stop... Keith crinkled his eyebrows, and signaled for the individual to repeat what they said, but had a feeling the person was being rude just based on the look of their face.

The person sighed, rolling their eyes, and started shouting at Keith. Keith froze. Internally, he felt like crying, but out of frustration. Why does this happen so frequently? Instead, on the outside, he kept his cool, giving off a pissed-off I-don't-care attitude. He noticed other passengers staring at them, but he tried not to mind. He sighed, and pointed at his card when the individual yelling at him had stopped, and then pointed at the sign. Illegal, he tried mouthing. The imdividual glanced up at the sign with an annoyed expression and then stood. They bumped Keith's arm as they moved to the other end of the bus, later getting off next stop.

Keith sat in the seat, and ignored eye contact with other riders. He sighed and internally punched the bus windows at.

**i really like this chapter because I feel it somewhat gives more insight about what it can be like to be deaf/have a disability. Obvi it's not too indepth but yeah! :D

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