IX. sleep: نیند

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She'd seen the horror on his face. What have I done? Her body swayed back. This man was fragile when he was in love. She'd almost taken the knife out of her and twisted in him. Damn it. He could deny it all he wanted but he was in love with her even now after she broke his heart. His love for her was alive within a locked corner of his heart because he was still wearing that silver band. The way it was snug around his finger, it seemed he'd never take it off. He was keeping his promises.

"What have you done, Ayla?" She put her hand on her face and leaned on the sink counter.

In her moment of weakness, she almost destroyed the man she spent the last eleven years protecting. Zachary Wahab acted like nothing in this world could affect him, but she knew how frail his heart was. He felt everything too deeply. He was emotionally attached to everyone too fast and sometimes that became a weakness for him.

"Ayla?" Zarmina's faint voice came from the door.

Her shirt was still pooled in her feet as she stood there in her bra. She closed her eyes. Her temporary roommate saw her scar as she stood in the bathroom door.

"Are you okay, hon?"

She didn't know what it was that made her sob. Maybe it was the tenderness in Zarmina's soft voice or that she was still a stranger to her that made her break down.

"No. I'm not. I haven't been in thirteen years."

She put her elbows on the counter, covering her eyes with the palms of her hands as she sobbed. Her confidant didn't say anything as she covered her back with a flocculant bathrobe and helped her leave the bathroom. Zarmina held her, giving her the space to vent the grief she was holding in for past.

"I don't know what happened but I know everything in your life feels threatened. Everything seems like it will fall apart and maybe it even will. But you have to remember this is just one piece of your life. You will find the other piece which makes life bearable so hold on."

Zarmina held Ayla's hand and squeezed them reassurance.

"In no means do I want to demean the magnitude of your past and your pain. But I will tell you something my father taught me. We often get so fixated on what hurts, the prickling of pain, that we forget Pain is also temporary. Happiness seems to fade... so can pain."

"From the way your scar look, I know your grief is way beyond these simple words but I still I promise you, your solace will find you. You just have to fight to stay alive to see that okay?"

Ayla could barely nod as she let herself curl up on the bed.

"Don't tell them please!" Her frail voice requested before she closed her eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean the bathroom and these words and story stay behind in this room." She fixed the blanket one Ayla and smiled. "But I think you should share it with them. They are your family."

But none of them could handle it. Asfi Lala and Zach were not there so they might even recover, but if Kabir found out she was sexuałły assaulted within the walls of the house he lived. He'd lose his sanity. It had taken everything within her to convince him that, that person was attempting hence she killed him in self-defense.

Tell Asfi Lala to keep an eye on Zach, please.

What happened? Lover's quarrel again?
Did he bother you? I'm going to beat the shít out of him.

Just an argument. He's not in the right state of mind.
Can Asfi Lala please just go check on him?

I gotchu babes😽❤️

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