Chapter 10

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They both watched Jim walk off down the corridor, stunned by what had just happened. Molly turned to Sherlock.

"Sherlock I um that wasn't what it um well I'm..." Molly said stumbling through her words, not knowing what had just happened or what to say about it.

Sherlock just gave her an surprisingly stony look and then strode off down the staircase.

"Sherlock! We should talk-...! Where are you going. ..?" Molly shouted as she hurried after him.


She couldn't find him. He had disappeared. 'Oh god' she thought 'everything is so messed up!'
She decided to head back to her dorm, which was luckily for her, empty. She sat down on her bed and started to silently cry.
She had never meant for Jim to kiss her!
Although, she had liked it maybe a little the first time, she was slowly realising now, that she had only been enjoying his company because Sherlock had been being frustratingly distant recently, and Jim was just being so nice to her! But the thought that this mistake of hers may cause her to lose Sherlock, was unbearable! She let out a groan of despair, and sunk her face into her pillow.

A while later the door opened and John stuck his head around it, and upon seeing Molly he slowly walked over to her bed. She heard the door creak and looked up and seeing it was John she gave him a weak smile and tried to wipe the tears from her face in an attempt to hide the fact that she had been crying from John, but her eyes still were unmistakably red and swollen.

"Heya Molly" John said giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Hi John... I don't suppose you um know about well if you've seen Sherlock or anything...?"

"Ah well that's what I came to talk to you about actually..."

"Why? Where is he? What did he say?" Molly interrupted hurriedly.

"Woah slow down! I well, yeah um I was just walking past the music room and I heard him playing, I recognised his violin piece as it was the one he composed for a concert a few years back, so I went in. And um well he was, I think well sort of upset and um...crying. So I kinda wondered how things went, you know when he came to apologise when you um, left breakfast?"

"He came apologise?" Molly said her voice wavering. Before throwing her head back into her pillow
"Urghh! That makes it so much worse!"

"Okay? So he didn't apologise?" Asked John confused.

"No. Not really, he didn't get the chance to." Molly said hesitantly whilst sitting up again.

"So...? Right? Okay? Um, you may need to elaborate a little?" John said coaxing Molly.

"Well basically, um I went upstairs and was upset and then, he came up just whilst I was talking to Jim and...."

"Waiitt... Jim, as in Moriarty Jim?!"

Molly nodded.

"Ooh well I'd stay away from him if I were you! That guy is bad news, and just a little bit...well in my opinion-creepy! Why was he talking to you?" John asked confused.

"Well I um... Know him. Kinda know him. A little. But um anyway, then Sherlock comes up the stairs and starts telling Jim to get away and stuff like that, then I don't really understand but Jim said some kind of poem and then.... Um well..."

"Go on?" John asked

"He um, kissed me and walked off." Molly said quickly.

John's mouth dropped open.

"Jim Moriarty kissed you! Right in front of Sherlock!"

"Yes." Molly said ashamed and blushing. "I mean it a not like I asked him to!"

"No but still. Woah. Riiighht! Well that would be why Sherlock is playing the violin so fast it's like he is chainsawing a tree!"

"Oh god." She groaned. "What have I done! And what makes it worse is that Jim kissed me last night and I oh I don't mean for it to happen, and...oh god! He was actually crying?"

"Well okay, he had a couple of tears on his cheeks but he wasn't like sobbing or anything! But I mean it is Sherlock! You know it's just not him, is it? So I was curious, you know. But I thought I would ask you as he shooed me out with a glare to kill before I could ask anything!" He paused with a slight laugh.
Well anyway, Molly we have lessons in..." He looked at his watch. "Ten minutes. Do you think he will show? I hope you feel better! I'm sorry, I have to go, would stay but I have to get some stuff ready for first period, soo yeah I'll see you in a minute!"

"Bye John." Molly said weakly.

She lay back on her bed as he left, and stared up at the white ceiling.
It then hit her fully. This was Sherlock. Upset. Sherlock was upset. Any other person she would have suspected it but... Sherlock? Upset?
Dismissive, yes. Annoyed, most certainly, Defiant, most of the time! But through all the time that she had known him. Upset? Never.
She wondered whether he would actually come to lessons? They really needed to talk about this! She needed to apologise! As although she had been not so great recently, allowing Jim to kiss her twice, but it wasn't her fault and he needed to tell him this. I mean she hadn't asked Jim to! Or had she? What If she had been sending out signals that she wanted him to? No...she hadn't, had she? Oh god, she didn't mean to! They really needed to talk about this!


Sherlock played his melody quickly, furiously weaving his bow up and down the neck of the violin. He needed to think. He wasn't upset. More... irritated. Despite what John must think, having come in ten minutes ago and seen a tear on his face. Which had been from accidentally flipping the unfamiliar bow from his hand, where it had proceeded to hit the wall then himself back in his eye, which had caused it to most unpractically water. John must have assumed he was crying over the situation from breakfast.
He sniggered to himself, finding the notion of him crying something of hilarity. The last time he had cried had been at age four, when Mycroft had refused to get him body parts from the morgue in order to carry out an experiment, and he had only cried because he naïvely thought, at age four, that crying might get him his own way. (Which he soon learnt as being an entirely useless, ineffective practice on Mycroft.)
He was a little disappointed about his endeavours of a normal relationship with Molly coming to an end, and also a little disappointed in himself for not seeing Jim becoming close to Molly. He stopped playing for a moment, and put down the violin. Running his hands through his unruly hair, he tried to decide what to do.
Jim was difficult to predict. Radioactive. Random events. It was obviously Jim who had killed the two girls, or rather had had them killed.
But why would he just tell him that he killed them?

'Oh' he thought to himself.
'He didn't did he, he didn't just tell me. He said it in a riddle. He wanted to see if I was a good as people say I am.'

Sherlock had never liked riddles. Not that they confused him but he just thought of them as pointless. Jim was just playing with him. Trying to push Sherlock. It was all just a game to him. That's what this whole thing with Molly was about. Testing him, seeing if he'll crack.
'Well I won't give him that satisfaction' he thought,
'So what, he threatened Molly if I didn't stay away. Well that's fine, I shall stay away from Molly then. Simple. Easy solution. This way, she is not next on his hit list, which would break the pattern he has been killing in. So then I can work out who is going to be next before he kills again.' He thought that he'd better not speak to Molly at all, as he was doubtful as to whether or not Jim would see anything he said to her as an incentive to 'break' her as he had suggested before. (Which he assumed being most probably her neck.) He thought he would be okay staying away from Molly. He had survived for however long before her? How was he then? He could be like that again couldn't he?
Well he would have to get rid of his knowledge of some emotions. It was the only way he wouldn't be able to feel the feelings himself, and that was how he had survived his long childhood summers and all through his primary school. His sheer lack of emotion. He had always tried to stick with the advice that his brother had given him, when he had been only five years old, 'Caring is not an advantage Sherlock.'
Although he had ended up straying from that moral a little in recent years, It was fine, he would revert back to his old self soon.
He was still slightly reluctant, but knew that this was the only way to keep Molly safe and possibly Jim's next victim also, and maybe it was better this way anyway. So he sat down, closed his eyes, and walked through his mind palace until he came to the room named Molly.

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