An Endless Rain [One Direction FanFic]

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I held my books closer to my chest and walked through the halls self-counciously.

The last time I was here, I was a whale. And now, I was different. Completely different.

"Ew, look. It's the freak," Lindsey's wicked voice whispered. I don't know if you could even consider it a whisper, as she made no attempt to hide it. I sighed and pushed through, finally getting to my locker. I grabbed my stuff and threw it into my backpack, slamming the locker door after.

I walked back through the halls, failing at my attempt to ignore what people where saying. "Why would anyone wanna be friends with her?" Danielle's voice hissed. I held back tears and hurried faster to the car.

When I was finally out of the school and in the car, I was even more anxious. You can do this, Kenz.

I slowly turned the key in the ignition and sighed at the hum. Live While We're Young flooded the car and I changed it to Wanted by Hunter Hayes. I loved One Direction, don't get me wrong, but I just can't deal with the memories right now.

I sighed and started driving slowly, letting out a shaky breath. I felt my phone buzz and ignored it, being the good driver I was taught to be. I honestly was a good driver, but I was nervous because other people weren't. I would know.

Anyway, after however many torturous minutes of driving there were to finally get home, I had arrived, and was back into my house. "Hi Mum," I called through the house. "McKenzie? Can you come into the living room?" She asked.

"Can I at least get changed first?" I groaned, examining my school uniform- a sleeveless white button up and a plaid skirt, that showed off how fat I used to be, and how skinny I am now. I had accessorized it with bouncy black curls, a bow tie necklace, and combat boots.

"Oh, I see how it is. Changing is more important than me," a farmiliar voice said. My mind flashed in realization and I was soon sprinting to the living room and jumping towards the boy.

"Liam," I said into his shoulder. "I missed you so much," I whispered. "I missed you more."

"Good Lord you're so skinny," he said, I bit my lip and nodded. "I didn't think it was this... this serious," he said. I felt him tug his hand through my hair and I smiled at the small gesture.

It was an unspken thing of our's. Whenever we saw eachother- which wasn't often due to the fact that he's Liam FLIPPING Payne and because of my... situation- he always played with my hair. Always. It was just our ritual, and I don't really know why.

"How are you, babe?" He asked. "I'm getting there. Just anxiouss, 'is all. But that doesn't matter. Tell me about you!" I exclaimed. "I'm fine," he nodded. "Really? I would think being a teenage heart-throb deserves a bit more than 'fine,'" I winked teasingly. "Heart-throb is a strong word," he shrugged. I wrinkled my nose in confusion and Liam smiled. "You're cute when you do that," he winked. "Thanks," I blushed, looking down.

 "And that too," he said. I blushed harder and slapped his hand away playfully.

"Alright, enough flirting and let's get a move on," Mum's voice inturupted my thoughts. "Did you do this?" I asked, turning towards her. "Dr. Freeman thought it could help, so I took your phone one night and texted him," she smiled. "My mother? Taking my phone?" I gasped playfully. "What kind of world do we live in?" "Just shut up and hug me," Mum said, rolling her eyes. I obidiently hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek.

Yes, I do have a good relationship with my Mum. After all the shit we've been through, we're all we have left. Each other, and hope. Hope that he'll wake up.

"Wait, does that mean that Niall's in town as well?" I asked. "It does," Liam nodded. "Oh God," I whispered. "You're gonna have to tell him, Kenzie," he said, rubbing my back. "I-I can't, Liam," I whispered. "He'll understand, Kenz. You gotta do this, for yourself," Liam said. I nodded slowly and hugged him.

"Thanks Liam," I responded. "Of course," he said into the hug.

God, where would I be without him? Probably dead already.

My name's McKenzie Rain, and this is my story. The story of a former anorexic. 

[A/N: soooo, this story is supppper sad. and no, even though I cast Selena Gomez in the story doesn't mean I think she's anorexic, i just thought she could portray the character. So, urm, comment if you like it. this is one of my favortie works so far :P

Oh! and comment if you want a part. I need someone who will play a very important part in the story. two people, actually. one just comes in later then the other. xx, brooke]

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