Part 3

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I filed one hand to her, but she looked at me contempsive. Her gaze was full of hatred. Stand up, proudly, by taking the purse you've been standing on the road. He threw me an unappreciative look, and he left. I watched her silhouette and never got lost in the dark.

-Why did you do it:-asked me dad

-What, exactly:-I laughed

-How did you get here:-he said, pointing at me with one hand.

The disappointment and hatred in his eyes.

-Really how I got here. What I failed to do:-I asked myself questions, but the laughter completely beliled my thoughts.

-I'm leaving:-let me know, getting in the car.

-You're going to leave me here:-I asked, my voice shaking

-I think it's obvious:-coughing up, not even looking at me

Narrowed my leg when I last turned around. I looked at it. But his heart didn't soften, he didn't change his mind.

-You know, you were always like this: I spoke, and hatred and disgust were noticeable.-You could have given me everything, but you never did. Why, what was the design of all this:-I asked him

-Someday, You'il know everything: it was the only thing you said.

He climbed up and dropped the car window. He looked at me with pity and hitting.

I still couldn't believe it was happening. I'm sitting here in the street. It was all because of that girl.

-Why was it necessary to ring, to anyone:-I was asking questions.

And anger and rage, they forced,, I hit, every thing that myself on their way.

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