'Wedding bells'

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-(Wedding day)-

Butch stood in a room, along with his brothers,
They were all in a small room together, and it was kinda cramp,
Boomer was sitting on the table, playing with his fingers, and brick just leaned on the wall, thinking about stuff, that nether of his brothers knew. Butch walked around the room like a solider marching upwards and backwards, 
biting his nails nervously,
Nervous for the day, where he was going to get married, he didn't care, if his Brothers where just looking at him strangely, his brothers exchanged glares at each other, not understanding what butch was doing.
"What the fuck are you doin?" Brick swore, butch turned around, as he looked at the red head, going feisty on him.
"You know...the usual, panicking!" Butch yelled at him, brick just snorted at 'the middle brother' boomer just gave him a weird glance.
"And I thought, you was meant to be the tough one" boomer smiled, as he put his hand, on his cheek, smiling like, he was the victim of his nervous actions.
"Doesn't mean to say, I haven't got a heart" butch scoffed at his younger brother, brick just chuckled, he missed his stupid talks with his brothers.
"You know...before, we do get married, I just want to say...
Your guys, are the most stupidest, but also the best brothers I had" Brick grinned, 'you won't say that, for long though' boomer thought, but kept quiet about it, and pretend, on his cute innocent act. Boomer and butch looked at their older brother, first with a shock look, and then slumber down to a 'awww' moment.
"Probably the best thing, you said all year" butch just snorted, while boomer eyed rolled, at his comment.

"Butch" boomer groaned, butch shrugged and looked at his brother with a slump look on his face.
"What it's true..and Im being honest, this time" butch said, boomer frowned, as he waited for bricks comment toward butch, but nether, (brick or boomer) could he say, he was was completely 'wrong'
Other than blossom, but that's only because, he hanged out with her a lot, other than his brothers.
"No it's okay...I get it, we haven't been hanging out in a long time...
Maybe we should create, a bro meeting just for us, to have a chat, on a Wednesday?" Brick asked, boomer nodded with direct contact, and nodded quickly and eagerly.
Butch just shrugged, "Yeah why not...but how long?" Butch asked, brick thought about it, and then got the time in his head.
"About 5 hours, we can play Xbox games, and we can drink some champagne and get drunk" Brick smirked,
Butch smirked back, liking the way brick talked to him, and how he thinks, he nodded, now more excited to have a bro day, boomer nodded as well, with all the boys in agreement, but then butch had one thing to ask,
"Only if your buying champagne" butch grinned, brick rolled his eyes, but then gave up, and just nodded, making butch fist the air.
"Yeah sounds good" boomer smiled, as he clapped his hands together, looking at his older brother (brick) butch had then remembered, what he wanted, to ask/say to brick or boomer.
"Who's going first?" Butch asked, now frozen, as he looked at boomer, boomer shrugged, and looked at brick, that mouthed 'no' to him, so then
Boomer shook his head, towards butch, butch then looked  to brick, brick nodded.
"It's going from the oldest, then to the youngest" brick smiled, butch then gave a death glare to boomer, who laughed at butch.
"Lucky bastard" he scoffed at his younger brother, boomer shrugged and then smiled, that looked like it caused trouble, in his opinion he wanted to be second, but he didn't say anything, mostly because he wanted to annoy butch even more.
The only reason, why he wanted to go second was Because, you can watch the first ones to go first, to see what you don't do, so you don't embarrass yourself.

And then second...second is when you get more confidence, and then there's third, that's when you loose all confidence in yourself.
"who Cares..we all going at the end, of it" brick smiled, with a simple unbalanced shrug, boomer nodded towards brick's wise words, butch didn't do or say anything towards this.
"And plus..we get cake" brick smiled, butch just nodded, while boomer just rolled his eyes, but smiled.
The boys than heard the door open, the girls dad, pocked out his head, glaring at his daughter new husbands, bricks brothers and brick himself, glared at him, 'is it time to go?' He thought, as he (blossom's dad) nodded in front of him.
"Brick...it's time to go" blossom's dad said, brick nodded, he let out a sign, and then he let out a small wave to his brothers. His brothers nodded and waved 'goodbye' back, brick was the last to close the door behind him.
The two boys, stand alone together, not knowing what to say to each other...boomer was the first to break the silence.
"Welp.. bricks gone" boomer said, as he swinged his legs up and down, like he was on a swing, shooting for the air. butch shot a glare at him.
"Who the hell, still says welp?" Butch criticised boomer, boomer shrugged, not focusing on butch.
"Apparently me" boomer answered back, bashfully, butch sighed, he glared at his younger brother (boomer)...trying to think of ideas, on what to do.
"Hey got any ideas, on what to play?" Butch asked, boomer just nodded, as he jumped off, from the table...
"Yeah tons" boomer smirked looking at his brother, that had a concern look on his face, butch tilted his head, as he glared at his younger brother with concern...for some reason, he now was scared of boomer, for whatever reason...but, hell, he didn't want to admit it.

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