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"At some point in life you realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life."

Can you force someone in your life? You can't. If you have been doing that then you're stupid. It's really very stupid to think that someone wants to be a part of your life when they don't.

If someone is not willing to be a part of your life, if they're not initiating anything to hint you that then clearly they're not interested in you.

Still, if you're trying to make it work, giving them chances, leaving hints then girl, what have you been doing?

You can keep people in your heart. Think about them, imagine doing things with them, even miss them. Though, you can't keep them in your life like that.

And that's exactly what I've been doing. I never really confessed to him because i always thought he'd be the one doing that. It's because his stares made me think  if he really likes me then he'll want to be with me and he'll confess.

In the end when he didn't, I did. Even after getting rejected from him, I had my hopes. I had my hopes that maybe he was just confused, maybe he'd do something to show me that he indeed like me. But he didn't.

Now that I realize, I was really a fool to think that. I really was a fool to hope something for us after everything. I really was a fool to keep him in my heart after he removed me from his life. I don't know when I became a fool though.

Maybe I was a fool from the start.

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