We meet again...

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    "No no no no! This can't be real..." You panicked, trying to remember what had happened last night.

    "I had a few drinks with Sowon and-...and..." You sigh and threw yourself on the bed, squirming in frustration.

    "I can't remember! Why can't I remember?!"
    Then all of a sudden, you hear knocks on the door.

    "Room service~"

    Your eyes widened and began to get dressed, grabbing all your belongings.

    "Okay Y/n, as soon as you open the door, were running outta here. Fighting!" You held a fist up and took a deep breath.

    As soon as you opened the door, you felt your knees weaken. You see a face you'd never want to see at a place like this.


Your mom had a part time job cleaning the rooms in a hotel, but you had no idea it would be this one.

    "Y/n?!...what the hell are you doing here?!"

    "I-I can explain...ah-"

    She grabs your ear pulling you to the elevators.

    "You're dead when I get home, you hear me?!" She left you, going into the room to clean.

    Then you hear your phone ringing. It was Sowon.

    "Y/n! Thank god you answered! I was so worried about you! When I came back from the bar, you were gone and I almost died of panic!"

    "I'm fine Sowon...I think. I-I'll just talk to you later, okay?"

    "Okay, bye~" she hung up.

    "'Be careless for once' she said...now look where that got me." You slouched, entering the elevator.

" You slouched, entering the elevator

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*one week later*

    It was your first day at University for your orientation. You were pretty nervous, seeing the huge buildings and people in their own little social groups.

    As you walked along the campus, you heard faint screams from a crowd of girls. You being the curios person you are, decide to walk closer to see what the fuss was all about.

Shortly after you got close enough to see what was on the other side of the crowd, you felt quite disappointed that it was only a guy, although, you had to admit he was cute.

    Shortly after you got close enough to see what was on the other side of the crowd, you felt quite disappointed that it was only a guy, although, you had to admit he was cute

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As he walked—with girls screaming from his left ear to the right—somehow, he didn't seem fazed at all. It was like there was no one there to begin with. Then all of a sudden he made eye contact with you and it was odd because...he didn't look away.

You felt the need to escape that awkward atmosphere so you walked the other direction, headed to your Orientation—which begins in a few minutes.

    You felt the need to escape that awkward atmosphere so you walked the other direction, headed to your Orientation—which begins in a few minutes

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As you left, Jungkook looked back at you.

"Why didn't she come and approach me? Does she not remember?" He spoke under his breath.

    "Why didn't she come and approach me? Does she not remember?" He spoke under his breath

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    You got to the classroom filled with your fellow students. It had little chatter, but you didn't mind. Then screams were heard...again.

   "Omo! He's here!"

    "He's so handsome!"

    More and more girls drooled over him while you just sat there rolling your eyes, wishing you could just disappear.

    "May I sit beside you?" He asked, which quieted all the girls.

    "Why are you even asking me? It's not like I own that seat." You spoke, with a hint of annoyance.

    "Woah! Chill. Are you still the girl I know?"

    "'Girl I know?' What are you talking about? I don't even know you and most definitely, you don't know me."

    "Jungkook...my name's Jungkook. Ring a bell yet?" He put his face closer to yours as a smirk formed on it.

    The girls around gasped at his gesture. He's always so cold and none of them expected him to pay attention to a random girl.

    "No, doesn't ring a single bell, now will you get your face away from my space bubble, you're about to pop it."

    "You really don't remember huh? You don't remember that night I kissed you?"

    The whole classroom full of girls had their eyes wide open, as their jaws all fell to the ground—including yours.

    You back up, however, he pulls your seat
closer and closer until your faces were only inches apart.

    "I don't know why you're making such a fuss about me coming closer to you, when in reality, that night you willingly let me burst your so called 'space bubble.' Do you seriously not remember?" He smirked.


    He leans in closer.

    "Or should I do it again to remind you?..."

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