More than a one night stand

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    " you think it's that easy to say 'yes' to dating someone you don't even remember?" You scoffed.
  "It can be easy. Just wait, I'll make sure you feel the same way soon enough."

    "Woah woah woah! Can you slow down?...I don't even know you and you're saying we should date?!...I-I'm sorry but I think you're just wasting your time here. Find someone who can return whatever you're feeling-"

    "But your are someone!"

    "Someone else, I mean!"

    "Why are you always rejecting me so fast-"

   "Because you were nothing more than a one night stand! please excuse me, I have a bus to catch." You left.

    Jungkook didn't know how to feel or why he even feels that way about you. All he knows is that in everything he does, somehow his mind always ends up going back to the thought of you.

    It was the next day in class and you were quite early so you decide to take your notebook out and do some sketching

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It was the next day in class and you were quite early so you decide to take your notebook out and do some sketching.

As the the room filled up, you put your drawing utensil away. While you were closing that certain part of your notebook where you had been drawing, Jungkook snatches it from your hand which catches everyone's attention. Many of your classmates were confused by Jungkook's behaviour and how he isn't as cold as he used to be.

"Yah! Give that back!"

"Hmmm...first admit to me that I'm the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on." He smirks.

You stopped and blinked a few times, then burst out into laughter.

"Hahaha! That was a good one! You know, if laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world!"

Jungkook's smirk faded.

"Yah...when I met you that night, I didn't know you would have such an attitude problem." He arches an eyebrow.
You scoffed.

"I don't have an attitude problem, YOU just have a perception problem...or maybe you're just not that smart to realize that I DON'T LIKE YOU."

He then came closer until your faces were only inches apart as he whispered in your ear.

"Well I like be a little nice to me will ya..."

"Be nice? Aren't I already being nice? It's just the truth that's hurting you, isn't it?"

"Is being nice calling someone an idiot?"

"You know Jungkook, I don't get it..."


"Why is it okay for you to act like an idiot and not okay for me to point it out?"

The class began to laugh while others tried to hold it in. Jungkook looked around embarrassed and came even closer to you than before.

"If you think being mean to me is gonna make me stop, you're wrong. It'll only make me want you more."

"Y-yah...want me? W-what do you mean by that?..."

"It's exactly what you think it means." He smirked.


After a few weeks, Jungkook still kept bugging you. He always followed you wherever you went during the end of your classes. He would offer to carry your books and he would even buy your lunches. Your day wasn't complete if he wasn't there to annoy you.

You didn't wanna lie, but you kinda just got use to him being around to keep you company specially because Sowon had to go to a different University for her classes—meaning you were left all alone.

"Y/n, wait up!" He ran up from behind you and gave you a bag filled with food.

"You know if you keep doing stuff like this-"

"You'll fall in love with me?" He cuts you off.

"No. They'll think we're dating."

"Which we will be, soon enough." He smiles.

Then you stopped walking and looked at him for a few moments.

"I know you said that you liked being with
me because you feel like you can stop being strong for open up...and just let go, but what if your confusing yourself thinking you like me, when in reality you just like the feeling of letting go?"

"Hmmm...I sense someone starting to care about how I feel for them." He smiles and nudges you.

"What? No! You wish." You walked even faster than before, trying to avoid the awkward atmosphere.

He couldn't help but chuckle, as he ran to
catch up to you once again.

"Y/n, wait." He grabs your wrist, making you


"Don't worry okay? To me, you were always more than just a one night stand..."

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