I see we are discussing Kiwi's? I like this group already

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Chapter One




§ Katrina Winters §

My blue eyes grow wide as I watch the number of people accumulate quickly. It almost reminded me of when I was little and I used to count how many chocolate bars I got on Halloween. They just seemed to go on forever. I don't know why I'm thinking about this, but damn, it sure gave me a burning desire to eat chocolate.

Not so stealthily, I roll off of Mar Bar's plush bed and wince as my butt makes contact with the hardwood floor. I open my mouth to complain, only realizing that I would get distracted and have to wait longer for my chocolate. My tongue sticks out of the side if my mouth as I reach as far as humanly possible under her bed. Finally, I feel the smooth material of the wrapper and I whip my hand up, grinning at the Kit Kat bar. Oh, the irony.

"Hey Kit Kat, I just realized that we need our own accounts." Marla calls from on top of her bed. I rip the wrapper open and take a stick, shoving it in my mouth. I begin to process what she just said and my mouth forms an 'o' shape.

"True that Mar Bar." I say and get to my feet, brushing off my black skinny jeans. I belly-flop onto her soft mattress moments late, releasing a sigh. "Do you have any clue what you want your user name to be?" I ask curiously, already knowing what mine would be.

"Um, I'm not too sure. Have you thought of anything for yourself?" Marla replies hopefully.

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about BrightAsNight." I reply and giggle at the cheesiness. Mar Bar nods thoughtfully and grins.

"In that case, I'll be BrightAsDay." She replies with a playful wink. I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"Sounds like a plan." I reply and pull my tablet out of my backpack. I creat my account and join the 'Star Wars or Star Trek' discussion. I'm not exactly sure why, but I found it amusing to watch the two enthusiasts converse.

BrightAsNight joined the discussion.

DarthVadarLover - No, Star Wars is ten times better than Star Trek. 

TrekkiesForTheWin - I think you have your facts wrong. It's clearly Star Trek.

DarthVadarLover - Listen here, I know you think that Star Trek is better, but I'm sorry to inform you that you are in fact wrong. 

BrightAsNight left the discussion.

I burst out laughing and leave the discussion, content with the nerdy posts I had been reading. A newer title was what caught my attention however; it read, 'Albercrass Prep.' Huh.. It gained my attention.  

Roses_Are_Red created the discussion. 

Roses_Are_Red - This is a discussion about Albercrass.

Silence_is_deadly joined the discussion.

Silence_is_deadly - Hello people of the Internet.

Roses_Are_Red - Hello person that commented. 

I.Like.Kiwis joined the discussion.

I.Like.Kiwis - I just crashed this party.

Silence_is_deadly - A kiwi lover joined guys!

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