So how about that math homework?

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Chapter Three




§ Katrina Winters §

Love is a strange thing. Well, for all I know at least. How is it even humanly possible to like someone you don’t even know, let alone their appearance? See, this is my exact position. I have developed a small crush on a guy I met on the internet. How messed up is that? All I know is that he goes to our school, and that he’s a guy. Wow, I sound so lame. Katrina Winters, crushing on someone that just so happens to be a part of a chat site that my best friend and I created.

The only way I know I like him is because he makes me happier just by being on line. My stomach gets into knots when he talks or better yet agrees with me. I thought that I would only ever like Ethan Lively, as this is how I felt whenever I was around him.

Ethan was our school’s golden boy. Every girl in our school liked him. The only thing was that he only dated one girl, and that was over a year ago. Now every girl tried their hardest to get with him. He was absolutely perfect. His dark hair, soft blue eyes, radiant smile, and gentle personality; as if I would ever get a chance. I mean yeah, I think that I’m decently pretty, just not pretty enough to be with him.

My unruly blonde hair refused to cooperate with me, so I usually just left it alone. I had blue eyes as well, and let me tell you, they were my favorite part of my whole body. They always stuck out thanks to my dark eye lashes and flawless, pale complexion. Okay, maybe I was more than decently pretty, but I still wasn’t good enough.

Kat, stop putting yourself down! The only reason you even think about yourself like this it thanks to Spencer. Sure, he seemed like a great guy in the beginning, but things began to fall apart. Everything always seems to fall apart eventually; all that I had to do was pick up the pieces.  That is never easy though since broken hearts don’t mend like cuts. There will always be a scar left, but it’s worse than a scar. This wound might never heal, and no matter how hard you try to hide it, it will always end up shining through.

“Kat? You alright baby girl?”

“Hmm...?” I say and look up, meeting the kind eyes of my mother.

“Are you alright honey? You’re staring at your cereal like it holds the world’s secrets.” She says with a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

“Yeah, I was just thinking.” I say and giggle.  

“Alright, I was slightly worried there.”

“No need, it’s not like my head was going to explode.”

“It kind of looked like it would for a second there. I swear, you had a vein popping out of your neck.” My mum says playfully.

“Oh please, there’s no way.” I say and scoff. She just rolls her eyes and fixes her pencil skirt. “Going somewhere?” I ask and wiggle my eyebrows.

“Yeah, I got a last minute call to a business meeting. I’m going to be gone pretty late tonight. I’ll be home in the morning though. Marla is free to stay over if you want, and remember that Jackson is going to have Ethan and Adam over later.”

“Ethan and Adam from my grade?” I ask and grin.

“Yeah, you don’t mind do you?”

“Of course not!”

“That’s good sweetie. You have school in an hour. Make sure not to be late.” She walks over and plants a soft kiss on my forehead before walking out of the kitchen and out the door. Holy sausages. Ethan was going to be here tonight.

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