Street Fight

465 19 22

Lauren's POV

"What are you doing here" I said.

Shawn looks over at me rolling his eyes.

"Leave me alone Jauregui" Shawn says.

"You think after what you said about Camila on National Television I can let that slide" I said.

"Lauren" I hear Camila whisper pulling me back.

"Well she fucking is" Shawn says.

I try launching at him ready to break his nose but Camila holds me back.

"A big whore" Shawn finishes.

That boils my blood and I let my arm go from Camila's grip.

"And you're a fat pussy" I said.

Shawn laughs coldly making my blood boil even more.

"You're an even bigger one" Shawn says.

"Oh yeah" I said.

I throw a punch at him making him fall back. Camila grabs my arm.

"Lauren don't do this remember of you're thing" Camila says.

"I kn-" I get cut off when I get jabbed on the side.

Shawn turns me around throwing more punches at me. I fall back feeling blood coming out from my lip. I stand up wiping the blood.

"Lauren please" Camila says her hands on my chest.

I lick my lips wiping the blood off.

"Don't do this" Camila whispers.

"Awwww don't let this hoe pull you back" Shawn coos.

I clench my jaw pulling back from Camila. I throw a good hard punch on the side of his jaw. His hand goes to it touching it lightly as it's hurting. He stands up loosing his balance a little. He runs over to me tackling me as we both go over the bench my back hitting it. He sits on top of me throwing punches after punches.

I feel my vision fade in and out. I find strength in me and turn us around throwing harder and harder punches. He kicks me off him making me fall on the little wood pieces that are in the park. I let out a puff of air standing up. He punches me making me fall over the slide. A crowd has formed around us.

I look over and see Normani, Dinah, and Ally. When did they get here, I thought. I struggle to stand up and Shawn chuckles.

"Don't ever doubt me Jauregui" He spits at my feet.

I groan turning around. I cover my eyes since the light from the flashlights are hurting me. I struggle to stand up as Shawn walks away.

"Mendes" I let out.

He turns around looking at me.

"One more round" I said.

He chuckles coldly and I stand up. He walks towards me standing in a blocking pose.

"One more round" I repeat.

I throw multiple punches at one side letting him not block. My hand goes to his shoulder as I throw punches right on his stomach. He spits out blood and I hook him right on the side making him cough out blood.

I take that advantage and hook up right on his jaw. I hear a crack probably breaking his nose. He falls to the ground and I get on top of him throwing punches left and right. I hear sirens and cops shouting for people to move out of the way.

I feel myself getting pried off by a police officer. I don't try fighting back the officer. He cuffs my hands taking me to the police car.

"You have the right to remain silent" He says.

Camila comes over.

"Can I talk to her for a little, please sir?" Camila asks the officer.

"Two minutes" The officer says.

He leaves and I look at the girls. They come over.

"We're gonna get you out ok I'm going to call your lawyer" Normani says and I nod.

The girls leave to talk to my lawyer on the phone. I look down at Camila.

"Your gonna get out I promise" Camila says.

"I know" I whisper.

"I love you ok and nothing is gonna separate us, nothing" Camila says.

She pulls me into a hug making me smile. I kiss the corner of her lips and she moves her head so they are fully pressed against each other. We hear a throat being cleared and we pull away.

"I'll see you there" Camila says and I nod.

"Take the keys" I said and she reaches into my pocket taking the keys out.

The police officer helps me in the car. He closes the door and we start driving away.

"Fuck" I whisper lowly.

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