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Lauren's POV

I punch my gloves together. I hear the crowd cheering on the ranting going back and forth. I take deep and slow breaths closing my emerald eyes. I open them and look at myself in the mirror.

"You got this" I said "You're a champ" I whisper "You're the best" I continue.

I hear a knock on the door and it opens.

"You're on Jauregui" The staff member says.

I nod walking out. I put the hood on my outfit. I'm going against Halsey one of the best fighters out there. I start getting closer to the ring as I hear the crowd chanting my name some chanting her name. I see a red color beside me and I look over seeing Halsey.

"You're down" She mouths. I raise one eyebrow and she starts going on stage.

After she got settled in I start going on stage. My team settles everything in and I take off the white silk robe with my last name printed on the back. I look off ring and see her standing there. I smile and blow her a kiss. The announcer comes in the ring and grabs the microphone.

"Alright welcome to tonight's fight between Jauregui and Frangipane" He says "On the white corner we have weighting at 125 pounds, height of 5'4, cuban-american, The Green Eyed Tiger, Lauren Jauregui" He says.

I smile at the crowd as they cheer on for me.

"And on the red corner, weighting at 119 pounds, height of 5'4, the American satan, Halsey" He says and everyone in red cheers for her.

"Both fighters in the center" He says.

My manager pats my shoulder and I move to the center. The referee comes in and explains the rules and I nod knowing everything.

"Touch gloves" He says and we hit each other's gloves. "Back to you're corners" He says and we back away from each other.

"Ladies and gentleman it's time" The announcer says.

Couple seconds later we are set to go. Halsey stands up putting her mouth piece on. My manager rubs my shoulder putting my mouth piece on.

"You got this Jauregui show her who The Green Eyed Tiger is" He whispers and I nod.

I look at the crowd and see her smile at me. The bell rings and I turn around. I round the ring and she just follows me. Halsey finally gets a hit on me jabbing me right on the nose. The fight was blurry.

Before I know it I'm on the floor. Cut lip, blood dripping from my lip, blood dripping from my cheek. My vision fades in and out. I hear my manager screaming for me to get back up and continue.

"Five" I hear the referee count.

I try getting up but I can't. I look up and see her brown eyes focused worriedly at me.

"Stay down" She mouths.

My vision keeps getting blurrier. I crawl to the ropes hoisting myself up.

"Seven" I hear the referee count.


"I'll do anything for you" I said.

"Quit" She says.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Quit fighting" She repeats.

"Baby you know fighting is my life" I said.

"You said you'll do anything for me Lauren" She says.

"I dropped everything to join you" She says.

"The doctor said your at risk of getting brain damage if you continue" She says and I bite my lip.

"Quit or I'm leaving for good" She says.

I sigh and look into her eyes. Then you whispered you love me, I thought.


Shawn's POV

I wrap the boxing tape around my hands. I look out the window. I sigh and get off from the ledge of the window. I go to my punching bag throwing one swing at it. I punched it multiple times then rested my head on it.

"I remember the first time that I saw you, I thought that I had to have you or I'll die" I whisper.

I stand up straight and hit my punching bag twice.

"I hate you" She says "I hate you so much" She says tears falling.


Camila's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen it's time" I hear and see her in the ring.

The fight was a blurry because my eyes were filled with tears. All I saw was her falling on the mat. She looks over at me.

"Stay down" I mouth but her eyes close.


Lauren's POV

She left. I take my phone out and call her. It rings a couple times.

"You're call has been forwarded to a automatic voice message system 0-123"

I hear and I groan in frustration.

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