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Chap- 6 (connor)

A couple of hours passed, and Lev was starting to feel tired and dizzy. His wrists were bruised from struggling to untie himself, to no avail. He worried he'd be stuck here until Starkey was back, and he wasn't looking forward to that confrontation.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the doorway. "Hey, Starkey, so about tha- ... Lev?!" Connor stopped in the doorway looking shocked. His wolf-like tail bristled.

Lev looked at Connor wide eyed, unsure if he was hallucinating or not. "C-connor?" he whimpered helplessly, too tired to try and move.

Connor immediately rushed over to the bed to untie him, and Lev collapsed into his arms. "What happened??" asked Connor in a concerned voice as he wrapped his arms around Lev.

Tears trailed down Lev's face as he sunk into the embrace. He couldn't speak through his sobs, he was still shaken from the events that occurred earlier.



Lev looked up at Connor. Connor brushed his thumb under Lev's eye to wipe away a tear. "Tell me what starkey did to you, Lev."

"Nothing," Lev mumbled, even though he wanted to tell Connor everything, he couldn't find the strength to. "Just take me back to my room, please."

Connor had a pained expression on his face but he didn't argue this time. He picked Lev up off of starkey's bed and cradled him in his arms. Silently, he carried him out of the room.


Lev woke up in his own bed with arms still sore. He looked around the room to see if Connor was still there, but he was not. Although he was hurting he got up to go to the bathroom and wash up. He walked into the boys shared bathroom and felt steam on his face. It didn't really matter anyways because whoever it was he could not see. Probably by design.

Lev goes the sink and turns it on, splashing water on his face and letting out a small sigh.

"Fuck! I left the soap on the counter!" Lev heard from the shower and his looks to his side to see a bar of soap. Before he knew it the person in the shower had already waltzed out to grab it.

All of Levs hair spikes up like a startled housecat and he yells, "W-wait! Connor!"

"Lev!?" When he heard his name Lev was already halfway out the door, "Wait, you don't have to leave I just need my soap!"

Lev was already almost to his room at this point and his face was bright red. Soon enough he hears footsteps trailing behind him quickly. Lev feels a hand placed on his shoulder and Lev turns around to see Connor, now covered with a towel. "C-connor? I just needed to w-wash my face, that's all," Lev shifts his shining blue eyes to the left to avoid staring at Connor's shirtless body.

"Oh... I see," Connor says with a sad look on his face. Lev wants to comfort him but he doesn't know how.

"Go finish your shower Connor, you still have suds in your hair," Lev says with an awkward smile.

"Okay, but after I'm done we should get lunch together," he smiled warmly.

Lev paused as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, "Oh, that's great and all but.." he could feel himself trailing off. He was physically and mentally exhausted if he were being honest, being harassed by a literal demon and saved by an intimidating wolf guy drained you.

Connor seemed to pause with him, "But?" he repeated.

"I just wanted to rest, at least for a little bit," Lev's tail started to swish anxiously.

"You just rested! Do you not want to go to lunch with me, Lev?" Connor frowned at him.

Lev, being the cute cat freak he is, quickly looked up at his friend, "No, no! I didn't mean it like that- er-" Lev turned to him, "Of course I'll go, Connor-"

A smile returned to Connor's face before Lev could blink, "great to hear! I'll go finish up my shower, don't go anywhere!" he grinned and ruffled Lev's hair, earning a small noise of protest from the small cat. Lev fixed his hair as he watched Connor leave again.

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